Chapter 1: The Class Aftermath

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Welcome. This is a sequel to BE CREATIVE, so to avoid confusion, please read that first.

BE CREATIVE LINK: (Copy and paste this link online to read this)

So per the announcement, this will be a collection of how the class deal with the aftermath, Marinette in her new school, Morgana snippets and a little more. This won't be as long as the previous story but hopefully this will help with any unanswered questions you may have. If it doesn't feel free to comment. Any hate in the comments will be deleted.

May I also say that because this is a salt fic, may of the characters will be slightly OCC. I am aware of this but as this is FANFICTION, this is my take on it. If you don't like salt, then this isn't for you, nor is BE CREATIVE.

This story contains elements of bullying, salt and harassment, so if these themes upset you, then please don't read.

Thank you all for your continued support, and please enjoy.













What word could be used to describe Collège Françoise Dupont right now? Oh, that was easy. Chaos. Complete and utter chaos. With the teachers now under investigation, every class had been given a new substitute who had been brought in from schools around France so there was no bias. All the subs were disgusted with what was going on and were aware of a certain class that needed firm discipline. So, the only natural thing to do was send the strictest teacher to them with a passion for teaching and who takes no rubbish from anyone. The woman was immune to crocodile tears. Maybe even actual tears.

Said akuma class were currently sulking in the class. Their court dates were now behind them and were dealing with the consequences. Well, almost all of them. Alya was still in denial of course, blaming Lila for the damage as well as Adrien but even Marinette. She was her friend! Friends don't blacklist each other! Without journalism, she had nothing! She had spent a lot of nights crying over her blog.

She had tried to reach out to Marinette but since she was banned from the bakery, learning that the hard way when she had seen the death-defying glare Sabine had given her, she went online. Well, she tried to until she was forced to delete her online accounts due to the slander she was receiving as well as not being allowed by her parents. She had been using Nino's, who hadn't gotten as much hate as her but even then, he was blocked from seeing Marinette's accounts, as was everyone else in the class. Not only that but when Nino tried to reach out to Adrien, they found that his number was changed, and all his accounts were down too. They were annoyed when they found out he was taken out of class but as to where he was, that was a mystery. Home-schooled presumably. No matter, Alya would find out what Marinette was doing and then everything could go back to how it was.

As their community service and fines had also started, many of the students were very tired from the work. Most of their jobs were alongside their parents. For example, Alix was under her father's strict eye in the museum, being a part time cleaner to work off her debt. Alya was practically working to the bone for her debts as more lawsuits had charged her due to the lies on the blog. What Alya hated the most was her anger management classes. They were ridiculous, she didn't have anger issues. All she thought she was doing was standing up to a bully and protecting her friends. How was that deemed as having anger issues?

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