Chapter 2: Bored

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Thank you for the support and responses in the last instalment. This chapter revolves around Morgana a few days or so after the last chapter and how she interacts with others from the akuma class. Feel free to ask questions in the comment section at the end of the chapter and I can answer without revealing any spoilers. Enjoy. 









Bored. Yes, that was a good word. Morgana was currently bored. It had been a few weeks since the court dates and the sentencing. Granted she was satisfied with the outcome of course but now she didn't have any current projects. She was all caught up on her classes, no one had any new online game challenges for her (as she was currently unbeatable) and Marinette was thriving. She had a new set of friends, who Morgana was familiar with of course and did check on her now and then. Not that she was being sentimental, oh no, that was too human for her. Yuck. Emotions always blinded the sharpest of people. 

It was currently the weekend and Morgana found herself walking through the park, observing everyone. Most people were talking, laughing, having picnics or on dates. Dates. Morgana eyed a couple and sniffed. She never really understood the premise of a relationship. Granted she saw how happy Luka made Marinette but that didn't suit her. What was wrong with someone being happy in their own company? She didn't really need anyone to complete her. Perhaps it was one thing she didn't really understand about human nature. 

"I'm sure some trivial television could resolve this," Morgana muttered as she walked along. 

Now there's a thought. Ice-cream from André's. He always seemed to proclaim love and all that. After the whole Lukanette drama as Kagami had dubbed it, maybe she could understand the premise of it more. Making her way towards the bridge for the treat, she then found herself pausing. Looking around, she blinked sharply. The chess board returned to her line of vision, squares flashing rapidly around her, as if hidden pieces were waiting for her. Naturally...she wasn't wrong. 


Rose and Juleka were currently sitting in the park on a bench, looking fairly depressed. People had seen them of course but since they were recognised from the trial and video, they were avoided. Not that the girls blamed them. Luka was currently having a date with Marinette in their boat house, so Juleka had quickly left out of respect. Luka had said nothing to her about it but she at least hoped he could see was trying. Rose was doing her best to comfort Juleka about it but she was having a hard time with the whole ordeal too. 

"With what happened at school...with Alya and Aurore... I just don't know what to think anymore," Rose sniffed.

Alya had gone quiet in class now and was sitting by herself as Nino had requested to move to the back. She didn't really sit with them at lunch anymore either. 

"Hey...isn't that Morgana?" Juleka asked, making Rose's head lift. Sure enough, there the girl was. She looked a lot different. Her hair was down in waves, adoring sunglasses, a long sleeved top and leather jacket. She also had on a set of black jeans and knee length boots. 

"She looks so different! Do... do you think we could talk to her?" Rose asked. Juleka then felt a sense of determination as she stood up and started to head towards Morgana, while holding Rose's hand. Time for some answers. 

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