Chapter 4: The Dragon and the Bee

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Hello everyone. Thank you for your continued support. Based on the title, I think you can guess what this chapter will be about. I do apologise for the chapter delays, I will try to be more organised in the future. I will not be discontinuing anything, and I will see to it that it will be completed. I am not sure how many chapters this will be. But we will see. I hope you all enjoy. 







Marinette was happy. That felt so surreal. After the downfall of Lila, she had forgotten what it was like to be truly happy. Thankfully, her family and friends were there to help her remember. Not to mention the support of her new school with teachers who actually knew how to discipline and teach. The bluenette was currently in her room, with Luka, Chloé, Kagami and Morgana. They had started to meet more regularly over the past few months, enjoying each others company and doing various activities as a group, like trips to the fair, cinema, picnics and all sorts. It was nice to enjoy being normal again. Well, as normal as her life might get. They weren't doing anything special at the moment, Luka was playing his guitar while Marinette sketched, Kagami was polishing her sword and Chloé was on her phone per usual. Morgana surprisingly didn't have her tablet but rather a notebook. She had been carrying it around a lot lately but no one dared to ask her what was in it. So the rest of the group had a little bet going to see what it was. Kagami believed she making plans for a robot army, Marinette thought she was making an impossioble puzzle book, Luka said she was making up her own language and Chloé thought it was something to do with the FBI. 

"So does anyone feel like doing something tomorrow? I hear they're showing a new horror tomorrow at the cinema," Chloé said. 

"Ew, no, I hate horrors, they make me squeamish," Marinette said with a shudder. 

"Yeah I think I'll pass on that, horror's aren't my favourite," Luka agreed. 

"Ugh, you guys are boring, Morgana?" Chloé said, with the girl not even looking up from her book. 

"The fact that you are asking shows how little you know me," she said dully.

"Oh yeah I forgot, you think they're too boring," Chloé said with an eye roll. 

"Incorrect per usual, they are simply too predictable. I can plan out the plot before you just by looking at the film poster, it gives me no sense of enjoyment," Morgana said with a frown. 

"That's basically what I just said," Chloé snorted, making Morgana narrow her eyes slightly. 

"I will accompany you Chloé. While I agree that they are often predicable, I find it amusing to point out their mistakes," Kagami said. 

"Meaning?" Marinette asked. 

"Well, for instance. The victim is being chased by the killer and has a chance to go out the front door for help or upstairs where there will be a reveal and a confrontation. They always pick the stairs," Kagami explained. 

"Valid point. I don't see why they don't just use their phones," Chloé agreed. 

"If they did that, then every horror would be two minutes long," Morgana added. 

"Well you two might as well go an enjoy it then, we can always meet you after. Say Luka, you mind coming to help me get some snacks?" Marinette asked as she stood up. Luka nodded, putting down his guitar and stretched out. 

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