Chapter 3: Therapy

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Hello everyone. I hope you're having a lovely Christmas, or however you celebrate or not. This has taken a while which I apologise for but I do hope you enjoy it. This chapter contains mentions of bullying, sexual harassment and death. So please do not read if this upsets you. Please enjoy and see you all in the New Year.








Adrien was currently sitting in what could be described as a King's office. The walls were lined with book shelves, the furniture was polished and cleaned and nothing seemed to be out of place. Not even a speck of dust could be seen. Supposed it made sense. Ever since his transfer to this school, Adrien noted that not a single thing was out of place.

After the trial, he went completely off the grid. His phone was removed from him as well as all of his electronic devices so he couldn't go online and make an apology. It was more so of the fact that his lawyers were concerned that his pacifist method with dealing with Lila and Marinette would set another forest fire media fest. Until he had his court assigned therapy on bullying, he would have no online presence. It wasn't what bothered him the most really. 

Sure he had a brief conversation with Marinette after that presentation from hell, but he hadn't had the chance to talk to her properly. His father had forbidden it but it wasn't for the reasons he thought. Usually his father didn't like him meeting with friends, but it was more so on the fact that there needed to be healing. Marinette was emotionally damaged and drained and frankly he was concerned at the fact Adrien didn't know what harassment was in a sense other than tabloids. People, who were rather vulgar online made very concerning comments on emphasising what it was and Gabriel didn't want Adrien learning it the hard way. So until he was fully aware and educated, he was confined to the school. 

The boys in the school were polite to him enough sure, but he knew they weren't comfortable around him. In his dorm room, there were okay with him but really didn't include him in much that wasn't mandatory. 

"Good morning Adrien," a voice said. Adrien snapped out of his thoughts to see a middle aged woman coming into the room with a notebook and a file. 

"Morning," Adrien said as he straightened. He was on a rather comfortable arm chair but he did his best to be polite. 

"Ah, you can relax Adrien, I am not here to judge you," the woman said as she sat opposite him and place the file on the little table by her. She kept the notebook on her lap. 

"Oh...uh okay," Adrien said as he leaned back into the chair a little more. 

"My name is Mrs Davies and I will be your counsellor for your therapy. I have been briefed about your situation. Like I said, I am not here to judge you. I am here to listen, so you may speak freely," Mrs Davies said. She had a very warm smile and kind brown eyes. Adrien noted hat despite being at a fancy school, she wore quite colourful clothing. 

"Well it's...nice to meet you," Adrien said with a smile. 

"Likewise. Now, let's begin. So you started public school a year or so ago after home-schooling correct?" she asked. 

"Yes. I wanted to for years but Father was very protective of me since my Mother went missing," Adrien stated as the woman opened her notebook and started taking notes. 

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