Chapter 1

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I would like to thank my best friend for the quote in the description, go check her out- SarcasticDumpling

(She also totally didn't hack into my account and edit my story because she's awesome and amazing and the best friend ever.

Love 'ya my dorkling :p)

The Picture above is Rose Weasley.

Rose Weasley was an intelligent girl, with bright ginger hair and freckles-
lots of freckles. She spent most of her free time in the library, reading or studying. She was sweet and kind with a nature to turn nasty if you got on her nerves. This warm hearted girl was quite pretty, with an innocent face and pale skin. If she wanted to, she could have any guy in Hogwarts, but she didn't want any guy. She wanted someone who would care for her and look after her when things were tough.

Scorpius was also intelligent, but he didn't put the effort in. His main goal in life was to live up to his dads expectations. He was handsome, with cheekbones, and white-blond air that glistened in the sun. His stormy grey eyes could pierce through anyone. The Malfoy trademark smirk was always etched across his smug face.

Rose and Scorpius loved fighting with each other. They annoyed each other just to get something off their chest. They were now in 5th year, the OWLs steadily getting closer. Luckily, Rose was in Ravenclaw, so she had no trouble with her classes. But Scorpius did.

Scorpius and Rose were in the same Defence Against the Dark Arts class. Rose was the best in the class, as usual but Scorpius was failing miserably. Professor Marring had decided to get Scorpius a tutor. As Rose was the best in the class, she was perfect. The first lesson was in the library on a cold September morning. This was a day Rose would much rather of been in the common room, sat by a warm fire. The library was near to empty, only a few students milling by the ornate fireplace, trying to keep warm. This meant they could work in peace. Well, as peaceful as they could get.

The lesson was due to start at 10 o'clock, so Rose got there at ten too so she could set up. She sat, wondering why she had to be there, so into her thoughts that she didn't hear Scorpius come up behind her.

"BOO!" He shouted into her ear hole. Rose jumped so far she nearly hit her head on the ceiling after hitting her hand hard on the table.

"Voldemort's nipple, Malfoy!" She shrieked, clutching her chest, "You scared me half to death."

"Sorry!" Scorpius said sarcastically as he sat down next to Rose. She gave him a death glare but then got on with the lesson. In the space of five minutes, they had fought fifteen times. Just as the lesson was about to end, Scarlet Parkinson came over and started talking to Malfoy. For some reason, Rose felt an angry flare rise up inside her. She thought it weird so sneaked out of the library to go find her younger cousin.

Just round the corner, she caught sight of Lily. She ran to reach her, and asked for a private talk. They went to the nearest hidden passageway and began their chat. Rose told her of the angry flare she had at Scarlet, asking for advice. For a thirteen year old, Lily was nearly as wise as the great Dumbledore himself. She was in Gryffindor, although could have been a Ravenclaw.

Lily just thought it was something she had eaten and nothing at all to do with Malfoy. Yet there was still a nagging sensation at the back of her mind. They continued to talk and catch up but Lily soon sent her apologies saying she needed to get back to her friends. Rose slid down the wall, then realised she was sat on something. She picked it up and looked at it. It was a piece of parchment that was completely blank, apart from the date. But it drew Rose's attention and she pocketed it. At the excitement of the parchment she forgot about Malfoy. She went back to the ravenclaw common room to continue her homework she had been doing last night.


Lately, She had hardly ever got time to do anything that wasn't school related. That is why the parchment she had found was still in her robes pocket, getting dusty and forgotten. She did, however, find time for her best friends, Albus and clemence. Albus was her cousin and they had always been close, because they were the closest in age to each other. Clemence had been her best friend since 1st year. They had found out they were sharing a dorm and that they both loved the same muggle books.

In second year,Scorpius and Rose had started a wand fight in the great hall. Soon everyone was fighting. Food began to fly everywhere and first years cowered in the corners, not knowing any spells. The spells themselves were not that strong. But they were strong enough to put Malfoy and Rose in detention for a month. This was pain and torture for them both, having to spend there Saturday's together. They had to clean without magic. This wasn't too hard for Rose, having a muggleborn mother who was set in her ways at times. Yet for Malfoy it was the greatest pain of all. It was degrading and humiliating, but the true hardship was watching Rose ease through the task with no difficulty whatsoever.

On a warm (for Scotland) October night, she finally got to look at the parchment. It was still as mysterious as ever.

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