Chapter 10

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Picture above is of Roxanne Weasley

Scorpius wanted to move on as quickly as possible, so he decided to move on to number 11 the next day, get a hard potion completely right. He decided to try and make Columbus, a potion that makes the drinker very disorientated and not knowing what direction to go in. It was extremely difficult, yet such an innocent potion. You needed to brew it for hours and it needed a lot of ingredients. He went straight to the potions lab first thing and grabbed the ingredients, taking them to a secret place in the dungeons.

He began work straight away, and tried and tried. The first time he put too much bats eye in it, then he didn't put enough toenail in and then he didn't stir it enough times. By the time all this had happened, he was stressed and about to give up. But he remembered Rose. He remembered her hair, shining in the sun, the way her eyes lighted up when she laughed. He kept trying and trying and trying. He tried harder and harder. Every time something went wrong, he just remembered Rose. Finally, the first stage of the potion was finished and he left it to simmer, for 24 hours. He would come back the next day and check on it. Meanwhile, he went to find Callum.

Callum was hanging out with Roxanne, Lily, Clemence, Lola and Rose. Scorpius walked over to them and sat down.

"Hey guys. what you up to?" Scorpius asked the others.

"We were just about to play a game but we don't know what to play." Rose told him.

"Why don't we play truth, dare, double dare?" The others looked at him, and smiled.

"That's perfect." Roxanne said. "I want to start. Lily, Truth, dare, double dare?"

"Dare please." Lily said, looking confident.

"I dare you to tell Peter Mall that you are deeply in love with him. That you have been since when you first met and you can't get enough of him. Then kiss him and then walk off and act as if nothing ever happened." Roxanne told Lily.

"Harsh Roxanne. He will be so confused." Clemence told Roxanne. "Awesome dare though."

And so Lily went up to the most hated boy in her year, confessed her love and then kissed him. She then walked away normally and ran back to the others.

"My turn." Lily said. "Clemence, truth, dare, double dare?" Clemence thought about it then made her decision.

"Truth." She told Lily. Lily smiled and thought about it for a bit.

"Who do you have a crush on at the minute? Anyone here?" Lily said with a mischievous grin.

"I do not have a crush on someone in this room, that would be gross. No offence. I have a crush on a certain boy that I shall not mention as I value his life." She said, in a joking manor. "My turn. Rose, truth, dare, double dare?"

"Dare." Rose said confidently. "Definitely dare."

"Okay then, I dare you to sit on Scorpius's lap for the next two goes." And so Rose plonked her bottom on to Scorpius and sat like that.

"Callum, truth, dare, double dare?" Rose asked Callum. Callum chose truth straight away and Rose thought about it. "What is your full name?" Rose asked Callum, after much consideration. Callum sighed with relief and said;

"Callum Elspisia Forchoka." He said, confidently. Everyone looked at him and then chuckled. They continued the game for the rest of the day.


The next day, Scorpius arose early and went to check on his potion. He continued it, finished it and managed to leave it to brew for exactly 10 minutes. In those ten minutes he went to find Rose, finding her in the library. He pulled her into the dungeons and showed her his potion. She ticked number 11 of the list and continued back to where she was. 11 down, 89 to go. It's in the 80's now.


The Christmas holidays were here before they new it. Scorpius and Rose were going home, Scorpius for the main reason of completing task 12 and 13. Tell his own parent's and tell Rose's parents. He must get this done, because they must find out from them, not from anybody else. He had packed his bag, everything he needed. The train was to leave this morning, after breakfast. Scorpius was ready and raring to go, although not very happy to be spending Christmas day with his Granddad. The train pulled up in all it's glory, ready to take all the students back to their houses. Scorpius jumped aboard and found a carriage with Callum. Soon enough, Clemence, Roxanne, Lily and Rose came and sat with them. Lily and Roxanne were only in third year but they decided to hang out with all the older people. According to Lily, it made her feel important.

The train ride was excruciatingly long for Scorpius as all he could think about was telling his parents. He would have to do it as soon as possible as his grandparents were coming two days before Christmas and they couldn't be there. The others chattered and played exploding snap around him, while he dwelled on what he would do this holiday. Half way through the journey, Lola walked in and sat down, joining in the conversation. They continued to do just that for the rest of the journey.

As the train pulled up at Kings cross, everyone jumped up and scrambled towards the exit, eager to see there family's after so long away. Scorpius hesitated before stepping off the train and walking towards his parents. He said hello and they exchanged stiff hugs and kisses. There family had never been normal or loving when it came to love and affection. They headed towards the car and as they were walking Scorpius told them he had something to tell them. Better to get it out sooner rather then later.

Cliff hanger, I know. This is my fourth chapter in two days, I think. This is really just a filler chapter, nothing much happens. What do you think to my character list? I hope you enjoy and good luck in life.

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