Chapter 8

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The picture above is of Stacey.

As Scorpius walked back to his common room to collect his jacket, he remembered number 7 on the list, put Stacey in detention. This was the perfect opportunity. Scarlet was sat in the slytherin common room, giggling with her friends. Scorpius walked over and whispered in her ear.

"Meet me in the broom closet outside the great hall in 20 minutes." He walked off, collected his jacket and made his way around the castle, taking his time to get to the great hall. Before he got to the great hall, he walked past a cupboard that was locked. Sounds were coming from within, so Scorpius cast alohomora and opened the door, although he wished he hadn't as inside was James and Eleanor snogging. Scorpius quickly shut the door and walked off, trying to remove the picture from his brain but he was scarred for life.

The entrance hall loomed out of the darkness and Scorpius went straight to the broom closet. He opened the door, faked looking shocked at seeing Scarlet there and quickly gave her a detention.

"Detention Scatlet, what are you doing out at this hour. I am going to have to take off 5 house points and report you to our head of house. Now get back to your common room before I take more off." Scarlet stood there, looking shocked and confused, before running back to her common room. Number 7 was completed and Scorpius felt happy. Still feeling happy, Scorpius made his way round the rest of the school and soon arrived back at his dorm. He got straight into bed and layed there, tossing and turning, thinking about what was going on with his spell.


The morning was bright and cheerful, but cold. The sun was up but not creating any warmth here on earth. Scorpius was by the lake, working on his spell. He was so close yet so far. He didn't know what to do. He had jotted down all his calculations but something must be wrong. He kept going back to his calculations but he couldn't see the mistake. Every spare minute he was trying to make it work but it just wasn't working. He decided to move on to number 8 while he was finishing.

He must say yes for a day, a whole day. It doesn't seem hard but it's damn near impossible. At breakfast that morning, Scorpius sat with his friends, next to Callum. They laughed and laughed at nearly everything. People kept asking Scorpius whether he wanted food and he had to say yes. Breakfast was soon over though, and they headed to there first class, transfiguration.

Transfiguration was fun, saying yes to everything. The professor kept asking Scorpius questions and he had to say yes. Next lesson was defense against the dark arts. Nothing went wrong there. It really only became a problem at lunch time. Scorpius walked into the library to do some studying, and sat there was Lola. Scorpius headed over to her, feeling sitting with someone he knew was better then sitting alone. Lola looked up as Scorpius sat across from him, smiled, then looked back at the book she was reading.

She began to ask questions while reading her book. They were just questions like how are you and how's life. The question began to dig further as the conversation whore on until suddenly Lola said;

"Are you gay?" She said like it was the most normal question ever. Scorpius sat there shocked, slowly realising he had to say yes to everything today. So, hesitatingly, he answered yes.

"So Rose and Stacey were just cover ups. You don't really like them." Again Scorpius said yes, less hesitantly this time. He knew he couldn't work round it.

"This must be a joke. Is this a joke?" Lola asked, wondrously. Scorpius sighed with relief and quickly answered yes. He explained about the having to say yes to everything and hoped she wouldn't use it against him. She understood and continued with her questioning. Scorpius was soon out of the library, however, going to find Callum.

Callum could be found in the common room, sat in the corner. Scorpius went straight to him and hugged him from behind. Callum jumped and turned to look at Scorpius. His eyes were blood shot, as if he had been crying, and his cheeks puffy.

"What's wrong Colin, have you been crying?" Callum wiped his eyes and shook his head, walking away from Scorpius, towards the dorms. Scorpius walked after him. They both sat down on Callums bed.

"I have a secret that I have never told anyone, not even you, Scorp. Please don't hate me or judge me like I fear you will." Callum confessed.

"What is it? Tell me. I won't judge. Promise." Scorpius sat, confused. What could Callum of kept all these years? What was so shameful he couldn't tell his best friend?

"I am... gay." Callum said, after much hesitation. Scorpius just laughed.

"And..." Scorpius said.

"You don't judge me? You don't care?" Callum said, looking at Scorpius quizzically.

"Yes, I don't judge you or care. Mate, I'm not homophobic. I will be your best friend whether your straight, gay, bi or flipping a." Relief flooded Callum's face. "Besides, it's not like it's not painstakingly obvious."

"You knew?" Callum asked.

"I had my suspicions yes. You are practically obsessed with anything girly. Just as long as you don't like me." Scorpius laughed at his last statement. Callum laughed too, but it seemed fake somehow, forced. Scorpius decided to over look it.

The rest of the day passed fairly normally, although he did have to dip his hand into a cauldron full of something yucky. That night he decided to work on his spell once more and he got so angry when it didn't work, he moved it faster, saying the incantation over and over again. The guinea pig suddenly began to study and study, and did not stop.Scorpius screamed with delight and went to find Rose.

Rose was situated on the ravenclaw table, in the great hall. Scorpius ran straight over, tapped Rose on the shoulder and practically shouted;

"I've done it, I've done it. Come see!" And he dragged her by the elbow out the great hall, to where his guinea pig was sat, studying.

"This is what my spell, Rosea, does. It helps you study, long and hard." Scorpius explained. Rose looked impressed.

"Wow, that's 7 down, 93 to go."

"Oh yeah, I completed number 8 as well. 8 down, 92 to go. Yes!"

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