Chapter 9

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Picture above is of Hugo Weasley. Obvs when he is older,

Scorpius was onto task number 9 on the list, say no for a whole day. While he was doing that he also decided to move on to number 10, eat something made by Rose. He woke up early in the morning and headed to breakfast, knowing Rose was an early riser. Let the day commence, he thought as he walked down the long staircase towards the great hall.

Rose was sat with her friends on the Ravenclaw table, laughing at something someone said. Rose is so cute when she laughs, thought Scorpius. He walked over to where they were sat and asked Rose about number 10. She asked if he was ready and he obviously said no, because he had to say no.

"Well, that's not the attitude to have, I am going to make you something so delicious you will never have tasted anything better ever. I am my Grandma's granddaughter after all." And she smirked, standing up and taking Scorpius by the wrist, dragging him down to the kitchens. She tickled the pear and walked in, smiling nicely at all the house elves. 

"Hello little dudes. Can I have some apple, some pastry, some butter, the ingredients for a sponge and some sugar, brown please." She then turned to look at Scorpius, "This is a muggle recipe, Its  the most delicious thing anyone has ever given me. I have been making it since I was 5. It's a secret recipe been past down through the ages. My great grandma came up with it."

The house elves came running over, bowing and handing the ingredients to her. She smiled at them and said thank you before hurrying over to the side and began cooking.

"Do you want to help?" Rose asked Scorpius. Scorpius wished he could say yes but he couldn't so he slowly shook his head. Rose looked at him and then gasped.

"Are you doing number 9 today. Say no to everything. Oh come on, come help, it will be fun. I won't tell anyone." So they baked together. 

Scorpius had never baked the muggle way before so he had a lot to learn. Rose was a good teacher though and Scorpius a fast learner. Half way through making it, Scorpius decided to make Rose jump and she spilled flower all over her robes.

"Hey you son of a banshee, I will get you for that." She said, grasping the flower pot and pouring it over Scorpius's head. Scorpius then grabbed Rose's hand and took her to the corner of the room, where they slowly got closer together, until Scorpius poured milk all over Rose. Rose screamed, grabbed the milk jug and turned it back on Scorpius. They continued like this for the next few minutes, before slowing down, panting, and looking at each other, drinking the other in, in a comfortable silence. 

"W-we  better get back to the cake then."Rose stuttered. And so they continued baking for the rest of the morning, finally finishing at lunch time. They decided to head to the showers while the cake cooled, considering the flower and milk had become a paste that would be considerably hard to get out. 

There cake was delicious, as Rose had said it would be. They brought their friends to the gathering of the cake because there was no way they would be able to eat it by themselves. Clemence and Callum were delighted to try Rose's cooking, both knowing how amazing it was, although they were a bit nervous when told Scorpius had helped. That afternoon, all four of them went to sit by the tree with a fire to keep them warm. They decided to do some revision, there OWLs were, after all, getting steadily closer. Each day, they seemed to get more homework and everyone was glad for it to be Christmas soon.

Callum's p.o.v

I sat with Scorpius on my right, and Clemence on my left. Clemence was talking to me but I didn't know what she was saying, I was too busy staring at Scorpius. I had a crush on my best friend but he liked another, of the opposing gender. Where could this get me in life? How could I get over this crush when I saw him every day? 

Rose's p.o.v

Today was fun, Rose had fun, Scorpius had fun, but most of all it was a milestone in their relationship, a start for forgiveness. Rose sat next to Scorpius, watching the lake, wondering what would happen next. She hadn't forgiven him, not yet, but she was close. He was trying, hard, and that is all she really wanted. As they sat there, a group of first years walked by, looking lost and nervous. Rose stood up and walked over to them, causing them to look even more terrified.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. Are you lost?" Rose said kindly. The First years nodded, looking less worried. "Where are you going? Can I help?" 

"Were trying to find the greenhouses, Miss. We got lost and wondered up here." A brave first year, with curly, black hair and green eyes, replied. "You're Rose Weasley aren't you." He continued. Rose smiled, she got this all the time. It was normal for her.

"Yes I am. What's your name, little fellow?" Rose asked. 

"Colin, Colin Creevey, the 2nd." He stuttered.

"Would you so happen to be the nephew of Colin Creevey the first, who died in the battle of Hogwarts?" Rose asked. Little Colin nodded his head. "Come with me, I will show you where the greenhouses are. They are just round this corner." And she showed them the greenhouses, watched them run towards them and then turned back to go sit with her friends.

"They are just too adorable for words." Rose told the group, as she sat down. "I swear we were never that small, were we?" The others laughed and shook their heads. 

Unknown p.o.v

Rose sat there, with Scorpius, happy and laughing, having fun with my man. My man. Not hers. How dare she. How dare he like everyone but me, have a rendevue with everyone but me. I hate him for that, but he is my one true love. I just wish he loved me back. None of them can see me as I sit in these bushes, watching them closely, ready to strike but I never do. I never get the chance.

Scorpius p.o.v

Number 9 and 10 tick and tick. 10 down, 90 to go. Such fun. Oh well, he will get there soon enough. The end of the day came quickly and as Scorpius got ready for bed, he decided to start packing for his holiday, going home for Christmas.

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