Chapter 11

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The picture above is of  Calum worthy, who plays Fred Weasley the 2nd.

Scorpius and his family arrived at his house late and Scorpius decided to tell them straight away, so he told them the story of how he had fallen in love with the forbidden red haired girl. He told them it start to finish, not stopping once and he winced when he finished finally. But his parents didn't shout, nor scream, nor look dissapointed or angry in any way. They were completely calm.

"Son, we got over our hatred for the Weasley's a long time ago. They are just another family now. I only hated them because I was told to hate them and I am glad you did not take the same path. I am, however, dissapointed at the way you treated her. If you can complete this list, it will be a step in the right direction and maybe the only thing you can do." Draco explained to his son, who nodded his head in shame when his father said the latter of the sentences. 

"Now bed, come on you. It is too late already, and I don't care if you are 15." Astoria told her son, so Scorpius hurried off to his room and got into his silk pajama's before writing a letter to Rose, telling her he had completed task 12 and would be up in the next few days to complete task 13. He then got into his warm, soft bed and fell asleep almost instantly. 


The next day, Scorpius got dressed straight away and headed downstairs. He got a delicious breakfast of cornflakes and yoghurt and then headed into the sitting room to tell his parents where he was going. 

"Hey, I am going out, going to see Rose, tell her parents. It's number 13 on the list." 

"Okay, when should we expect you back?" Draco asked. 

"Lunch time, or around there. I'll see you then." Scorpius told them, as he walked out of the room, into the broom closet. The flight over there was normal and uneventful, although he nearly flew into a flight of birds. He landed smoothly on the ground, and walked up to Rose's front door. He knocked twice and heard running footsteps that could only be Rose's. She flew open the door and said hello, inviting him in from the cold. She took him straight to the living room and told him her parents were out for now, but would be back soon. 

They waited, chatting merrily about Christmas celebrations. They only had too make small talk for 10 minutes, however, as Ron and Hermione walked through the door. They walked into the living room and did a double take when they saw Scorpius. 

"Hello, who are you?" Ron asked, although Scorpius was sure he already new.

"Mr Weasley, Mrs Weasley," Scorpius said, standing up. "I'm Scorpius, Malfoy."

"And what are you doing, standing in my living room" Ron asked, rudely.

"I'm sorry sir, to come uninvited, but I, we need to tell you something." Scorpius said, in his most polite manor. And they explained what had happened. Scorpius could see Ron getting angrier and angrier, and nearly jumped out of his seat when they told him about kissing Stacey. When they had finished, they sat there waiting for their response. Both parents sat there with there mouths open and then Ron burst. He jumped out of his seat at Scorpius, shouting in his face.

"HOW DARE YOU HURT MY ROSE! HOW DARE YOU MAKE HER FEEL PAIN! I WILL KILL YOU FOR THIS, SCORPIUS HYPERION MALFOY!" He yelled, so loud the whole street could hear him. Hermione grabbed him from behind, taking him and calming him down. 

"I'm sorry, Scorpius. He is a bit overprotective. I am so sorry but can you just wait outside?" Hermione told Scorpius. Scorpius ran outside and waited there, Rose following him out. Scorpius looked at Rose, terrified.

"Don't worry, he just wants to protect me. He won't hurt you, I hope." She said the last part under her breath but Scorpius still heard her. "Why don't we go for a walk? I know a really nice place." 

"Sure, anything to get me away from here." Scorpius breathed. So they walked away from the house, down the hill and towards the forest. The forest was dark but the sky was bright, and Rose led Scorpius to an old oak tree, right on the edge of the forest. She climbed up to the highest branches and sat there, smiling down at Scorpius. He then climbed up after her and they sat there, in silence.

"I really am sorry about my dad. He can be so overprotective sometimes, it's annoying. It's like, you have not only already secured that I will be safe because everyone is looking at me, I am never alone, but you have also gone way overboard. I am 15, I don't need protecting like I did when i was 5." 

"Don't worry about it. I would rather have a dad who was way overprotective then one like mine. It's like he doesn't care at all. When I told him about us, he didn't care. It's like I could murder and get away with it, and I don't like that. I hate it. It's as if he doesn't love me, and I know, deep down, he does, he just doesn't like to show it." 

"I understand. I am lucky to have my dad really. He loves me more than anything in the world, and I love him back. But your dad loves you too, he just has a different way of showing it. He doesn't like to show his love. The way he was brought up made him think it was a weak thing to do. But it's not. It's the strongest thing on earth. You know that, and that's all that matters." After this big long speech, they both slipped back into silence, neither of them wanting to break it. Neither of them know how long they were sat there for, but Hermione was shouting them in for lunch before they new it. Scorpius gave his apologies and said he had to go. He got back on his broom and flew back to their house.

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