Chapter 7

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Picture above is of Hayden Panettiere playing Lola

Scorpius was on to task three of the list, confront James about how he could not judge him or Rose and while he was doing that he may as well do task 4, Confront James about how he shouldn't tell Rose's parents. So Scorpius decided he would get this over with as soon as possible.

It went like this...

James was standing in a deserted corridor, with Eleanor. They were playing with Eleanor's meatamorphing, Eleanor changing her look to look like her and James's favourite stars. Right at the moment Scorpius came stalking in, Eleanor was being Selena Gomez. Scorpius stalked up to the pair of them and stood in the middle of them, facing James.

"Hey James. I need to talk to you." He then turned and looked at Eleanor, "Alone!" Eleanor ran off, giggling. James just stood there with his foot on the wall behind him and his arms crossed. Scorpius hesitated. James could look scary when he wanted too and right now he looked terrifying, with his smug grin and his perfectly messy hair.

"What." James suddenly said, starting to look impatient. Scorpius jumped and quickly began what he came here to say. "I don't think it is right to judge us because we are not children, we will do what we want, when we want. Surely you should understand that we just want to have fun, while we still can. You can't judge, you went out with plenty of people at our age. Please James, have a heart. I love your cousin and those aren't just words. I love her like I've never loved anybody before. I would never hurt her." Scorpius said all this rather quickly, without a breath, so he was breathing heavily afterwards. James looked shocked and he just stood there like a banana.

"Well," Scorpius said, waiting. "You love her, those are three big words to say. You won't hurt her. How do you know that?"

"I really do love your cousin, and I know I won't hurt her because I would rather kill myself then hurt Rose. James, you can't tell Mr Weasley about this, please. I value my life." He was practically begging James by the end. He new James would crack eventually.

"Rosie tells me everything-you have already hurt her, hard. What is to say you won't do it again?" James asks. "I know how I feel now; I know what I need in my life and I want it more then anything. Rose is like my lifeline, I need her to survive and I will hold on until I die. Rose knows I didn't mean to but she hasn't quite forgiven me yet. I have to complete this list first. But if I complete this list we are just friends, nothing else, and I like that. I know she will never fully forgive me because what I did was so wrong I literally wanted to shut off completely. I deserve what I get. But it's a start." Scorpius had planned exactly what he was going to say before hand and none of that was on there. It came from the heart, deep from within.

"No, you shall never be truly forgiven and you do deserve that, but I forgive you partly, I understand. I won't tell uncle Ron, I will leave that for you two to do. I must go now. I won't judge. But remember, if you hurt her, you will be hunted down by 50 odd people." And with that he turned and walked away.

Scorpius went straight to Rose, after confronting James. Together, they ticked off number 3 and 4. Rose was impressed with the progress he was making, but this was just the beginning. He still had 96 more to go. He decided to move on to number 5 as soon as possible. He had to invent a spell and name it after Rose...

What should the spell do was the first thing on his list. The spell should be sweet and innocent, like Rose, but be stubborn and fiery, like Rose. Like the tickling jinx. Maybe it should make you dance, or make you rolly poly or cart wheel. Anything, but these were simple ideas, child play. He needed something so big that he would be known around the world. Surely this would make Rose a step closer to forgiveness. Maybe he needed inspiration from Rose so he went to go find her.

"Rose, to do number 5, I need inspiration so I have decided to follow you round for the day and hopefully get some. I won't get in your way." Rose was too deep in her book to say anything so she just looked up and nodded. It was the weekend. A sunny weekend that most would spend outside so Scorpius and Rose took their Books and went to study by the lake. The lake was calm, and they sat under the apple tree that the marauders once inhabited, as did the golden trio. It was a place of calm and tranquility to study, Rose told Scorpius.

Scorpius calmly watched Rose as she studied but soon thought he better study himself. He got out his potions book and studied the theory. Every now and then he stopped and looked at Rose. Suddenly, he got a brainwave. A spell that helped you study, no distractions. It was so simple yet so effective. It was sweet and innocent, but it was stubborn, it could not be fought but easily taken off. It wasn't fiery exactly but it could help a lot of people. Now all he had to do was make the spell.


A few days later, Scorpius had got nowhere with his spell. He took every opportunity to try and was often missing lunch or dinner to go to empty classrooms. It was a hard task but he would complete it.

There was soon going to be a trip to hogsmeade and Scorpius thought this would be the perfect opportunity to complete number 6, be seen buying girls clothing. He was going with his best friend, Callum. The day came and Scorpius was getting agitated because he still had not completed number 5, but everyday he gets closer to his target. Today he was going to complete task 6, after today 5 down, 95 to go.

The carriages took them down to hogsmeade, slowly but surely.

Callum's p.o.v

Callum watches Scorpius the whole ride down, watching his chiseled face in deep concentration and wishing he was like himself. But he isn't and he likes Rose and he will always like Rose and he will never like Callum. Callum is his best friend, nothing more, nothing less. Everyone would shun him if they new what he really was. Scorpius would hate him if he new what he was like. So he kept it all bottled in, deep inside, watching from the sidelines. He watched closely though, taking in every detail of Scorpius's face and every detail of his perfect body, wishing it could be his.

Scorpius p.o.v

They were soon in hogsmeade and Scorpius decided to head straight to flowers and ice, a new clothing store in Hogsmeade. It was all girly clothes in there. He jumped off the carriage practically before it had stopped and ran over to the new shop. He walked in and the doorbell rang, a jingling sound that made Scorpius think of Christmas.

He went to the nearest rack, searching. He had to stay in here for as long as possible, to give time for people to see him. He searched further and further, always staying near the front of the shop, in full view of the street. He picked a light blue dress with pink straps of the shelf in Rose's size and went to pay. Many Hogwarts students had walked by, peering into the little shop with confused looks on their faces when they saw Scorpius. He payed for the dress and put it into a bright pink bag. They then continued to the three broomsticks. Callum looked dissapointed when they left the clothes shop, after spending most the time in there exclaiming at the exquisite detail on the dresses and the beautiful colours.

In the three broomsticks, they ordered two butterbeers and some pumpkin pasties. They sat and talked for half an hour before heading back to school. Back at the castle, Scorpius headed straight to a spare classroom to work on his spell. He had a guinea pig to practice on (an actual guinea pig) and he was getting so close, it just didn't last long. He was saying the incantation rosea while moving his wand in a circle twice. He was concentrating hard and didn't know why it wasn't lasting. He couldn't work for long though as he had prefect duties and he set off to do those.

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