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Océane woke up early ish in the morning, the sun shining through the open curtains, and an empty widespread bed. However, the surroundings weren't something she remembered from her own. Then it hit her, she was at Pierre's hotel room, in his top, in his bed. Yet he was no where to be seen.

Minutes later the hotel door opened quietly, shutting quietly soon after. "Oh you're awake." The French man said with a welcoming smile, Océane met him with a similar smile.

He had some bags in his hands, "I went to get us some breakfast if that's okay." He laid the food and drinks he had bought onto the small table that was in the corner of the room, surrounded with two chairs.

Océane threw the covers off herself and joined him at the table. "Are you feeling better today?" She asked him, scrambling through what he bought, eventually just taking a pain au chocolat.

"I am, sorry for all of that last night."

Océane dismissed his apologies quickly, "It's okay Pierre, it was quite the entertainment of my evening."

Pierre slid his chair closer to Océanes, "Just know that whatever i said last night, i did mean." His eyes met hers briefly before she nodded her head,

"Of course, i need to find my phone actually, Lando is most likely my only way home from here."

"Are you and Lando good friends then?" He asked, curious to know the situation between them, but also if he had a chance.

"Yeah, I've known him for so long, we have a place together in Cannes with Carlos!"

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—— Today 9:23 ——

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—— Today 9:23 ——

hey pumpkin can you pick me
up any time today?

from where?

a hotel building that is not my
own 😬

now you've got me interested,
who's and why are you there 👀

some french man who was too
drunk to walk alone.

some random french man or
someone i may know?


can you just pick me up at 10

of course i can Ocea, will see
you then x

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"I'm being picked up at 10 from here, is that okay?" Océane said, telling Pierre her plans in advance just in case he thought she was abandoning her.

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