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The day had finally come, the first day of Formula 1 testing at a Barcelona. The drivers were looking forward to it, but also so was Océane. She had never seen a Formula 1 car in real life, or at least have paid attention to it. Being at the Barcelona testing, she was given the privilege of being in the McLaren paddock lounge.

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oceanebeaufoy posted a story.

oceanebeaufoy posted a story

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Replied to your storycant believe your taking pictures of Landos car and not mine 💀

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Replied to your story
cant believe your taking
pictures of Landos car and
not mine 💀

you're not even out in the car
until this afternoon daniel do not
make me feel bad 😭

sorry océane, enjoy the mclaren
garage, i cant see you today but
whenever i can i promise i will try
come see you?


sounds good aussie man!
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Océane had got a little bored sitting in the same seat all alone, limiting any interactions with surrounding strangers. However, strolling into the room was someone she had thought she knew. "Océane Beaufoy?" He asked, she was curious to how he knew her name, yet that was before she got a proper look.

"Oh my gosh! Max Fewtrell!" She got out of her seat and pulled him into a hug.

"I haven't seen you in forever, how has it been?"

"It's been okay! I stopped the whole racing thing a little while back, trying to get back into soon but it's a little hard," he shook her shoulder gently, "I'm turning into you now! leaving a career I knew i'd be successful in!"

"I'll take that as an insult Max, I hope there's a good reason you stopped! You were amazing!" Océane said.

"Yeah there was a good reason, but i miss it to be honest. I watch the F2 and F3 on the Tv and i just think that all my friends are there, and i should be there with them, it's quite draining." He revealed, taking a seat on the table that Océane had sat back down on.

"If you need any help with any sponsors or anything, please let me know! I can get your some good sponsors or money, we haven't spoken in what feels like a million years but i am always here for you max!"

The two had a long and meaningful chat, they spoke about any recents events in their lives, what they missed when they hadn't spoke. However, most importantly they spoke about Lando and how his testing was going. They were watching him on the screen, but then moved out into a grandstand along the start/finish straight which they managed to get access too. They did this to get the 'full' experience that they could from the testing.

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oceanebeaufoy posted a photo

Liked by landonorris and 34,689 others

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Liked by landonorris and 34,689 others.

oceanebeaufoy: So glad to have had the opportunity of being here at testing! Amazing seeing Lando (and Carlos!) in the car doing their natural sport. Love ya pumpkin 🤍
Tagged: @landonorris

View all 435 comments
landonorris: so glad you came out ocea, hope you had a good time!
     ↳ oceanebeaufoy: i loved it!! best experience
carlossainz: ferrari garage is better 🙄
     ↳ landonorris: traitor
     ↳ oceanebeaufoy: too bad you gues wouldn't let me there...
pierregasly: come to my garage nextt!!
landonorrisfanpage4: omg!! she calls him pumpkin that's such a sweet nickname 🥺🥺
     ↳ pg10fanpage: i ship them!
user1: im so jealous
user2: I wish i was there!
user3: 😍🔥

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landonorris posted a photo

Liked by oceanebeaufoy and 456,683 others

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Liked by oceanebeaufoy and 456,683 others.

landonorris: Productive day, bit annoyed i'm P1 in the timing charts. Now you gonna think we fast and waaaayyy overhype us. Omegalul.

View all 12,689 comments.
oceanebeaufoy: saw in person, i can confirm they're slow as fuck!! everyone else was just going slow xx
       ↳ danielricciardo: 🙄
       ↳ mclarenfp: Noooooo
carlossainz: i read your data, why are you so god damn slow around the corners?!
      ↳ landonorris: ❤️caution❤️
user1: can't wait for bahrain! it's going to be such a good race

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pierregasly posted a photo.

Liked by oceanebeaufoy and 123,568 others

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Liked by oceanebeaufoy and 123,568 others.

pierregasly: cant hide the smile! feels good to be back on track ✌🏻

View all 1,347 comments.
oceanebeaufoy: 😳😳
oceanebeaufoy: let me know when and where and i will visit the alpha tauri garage.
landonorris: wtf? betrayal much.
pierregasly: 😌

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