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oceanebeaufoy added to their story.

oceanebeaufoy added to their story

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—— Today 9:45am——

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—— Today 9:45am——

replied to your story.
Packing anything of interest 👀

you'll just have to wait and see
pierre, cant let you know just yet

Such a tease mon amour 🙄

don't roll your eyes at me

Or what?

i just won't talk to you the entire

D'accord, i'll be nice 🤍

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"Holy fuck!" Lando said running around the house, back and forth.

"Why can't i find anything." He shouted, large sighs coming from his room every now and again. There was a couple of times were Lando would get annoyed, and she would hear a little chuckle from Carlos who found it insanely funny.

"Lando what are you looking for?" Océane asked, hoping she could help to shut him up. After all she needed the peace and quiet.

"Our toothbrushes have gone missing!" Lando shouted, pulling Carlos and Océane into the bathroom.

"What the fuck." Océane said, "I used mine this morning?" Safe to say, the lot of them were confused.

"How do they go missing? Did someone accidentally throw them away?" Carlos asked, both Lando and Océane shook their head.

After relentless searching, it turns out someone put the toothbrushes in the downstairs bathroom. Yet no one would actually admit to who did it. Meaning that a large portion of time was wasted on finding 'missing' toothbrushes, which weren't even missing.

"Our flight is at 6am tomorrow by the way." Océane reminded the boys, so that they could realise they'd have to go to sleep and not stay up all night playing video games or whatever it was they would spend their oh so precious time doing.

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Packing was the least of their worries, Lando managed to misplace his passport somehow.

"Oú est ton passeport Lando?" Océane said in a quick panic. "Lando!!" She shouted one last time. They'd been aimlessly searching for the last hour for Lando to emerge from his car nervously holding his passport.

"For fucks sake." Océane said, "I'll see you two tomorrow morning."

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——Today 8:46pm——

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——Today 8:46pm——

Call me

im about to sleep though 😞


oceanebeaufoy is calling
[Accept] or [Decline]

"I'm trying to sleep, are you okay?"

"I miss you."

"You sound sleepy"

"I need to know Océane, are we on the same sort of page here?"

"What do you mean?"

"Never mind, i'll ask you tomorrow."

"Are you going to sleep anytime soon?"

"I've got myself a lift to the airport tomorrow by an old friend of mine, so I don't have to be up early. Plus i can sleep on the short flight there."

"Oh lucky, Lando and Carlos have been all weird today, very exhausting so i can easily get to sleep right now, but as you're not, you don't have to ask me tomorrow."

"i like you Océane, you're something else i can't quite get you out of my mind"

"Can't believe i'm living in your mind rent free"

"i'm being serious Océane, i want to know if you feel the same way or if i'm obsessing over someone who doesn't feel the same way"

"What would you do if i said i did?"

"It would put my sleepy overthinking mind to ease."

"And so to put you at ease Pierre, I will tell you i do feel the same. But for now why don't we just talk about this face to face when we're in Italy?"

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I'm looking forward to seeing you."

"You literally saw me yesterday."

"Too long ago ."

"I will see you tomorrow Pierre."

"Please don't leave"

"I have to sleep."


"Bonne nuit Pierre."

"Bonne nuit mon amour."

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