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It was finally summer break. Pierre had done pretty well with the four races that took place in July. Those including Britain, Austria, France and Hungary. He placed within the top 6 for all of them, which he couldn't be happier about. The car was performing amazingly, suiting Pierre and his driving style just as he would like it to.

"Remember ages ago I said we should go swimming in the sea?" Océane said walking up to Pierre who was playing with Senna.

"Yeah I remember that." He replied, not paying much attention to her.

"We should go today." She said, once again still not getting much attention from him.

"Could do that." He said.

"I will wear that really nice red bikini that you liked." She said, Pierre suddenly started to pay attention to her.

He swung his head around to look at her, "You will?" He asked, she nodded her head.

"Sorry Senna, I've got to go." Pierre said to the cat, as he got up.

"When do we leave then?" He continued.

"Just need to find a boat or something." She said, not exactly thinking her idea through properly. "It's fine, I will just message my friend quickly and borrow his, go get ready we will stop off at mine on the way back." Pierre said. Océane went to her bedroom and put the bikini on, placing on a zip up dress which she could easily take off on top of the bikini. She brought a towel as well to dry herself off.

The pair wondered to Pierre's house which wasn't much of a walk, once they got in he changed into his swimming shorts and put on a new top which wasn't as valuable. "You don't have to be wearing a top you know, I quite like your body without one." Océane said lifting his top up and tracing his ab lines.

"Don't be a tease Océane." He chuckled as they exited his place.

Once they made it to the docks Pierre's friend met him down there. Turns out Pierre was able to drive the boat, and had done so many times before. He was handed the keys and the two went to the boat. "How far our can we go?" Océane asked.

"I will take us to a good spot." Pierre said turning on the engine. Océane sat down as Pierre slowly made his way out of Monaco harbour, speeding up once they could.

The waves were calm, however the boat ride was a little choppy. Most likely because the boat was small and surrounded by much larger and much more intimidating boats.

"Here look okay?" Pierre asked, halting the boat to a stop. They weren't too far out from shore, however they were far enough from other boats for it to be comfortable. Océane took off her dress which she was wearing over her bikini, and jumped off the boat flawlessly into the water. Pierre watched in delight as she did so.

"Are you going to come in?" She asked, playing with her hair to make it look semi-presentable. Pierre took off his top, it didn't do much for his body. It was baggy rather than tight fitting. However, as soon as he took it off his physique was once again revealed. Pierre pulled down the short ladder from the boat so that they would both get back in.

He followed Océane into the water and swam straight towards her, "You look beautiful." He said slipping his hands on her waist.

"I thought we came here for a swim." She laughed, pushing his hands away and kicking her legs away from him. Hiding on the opposite part of the boat. The boat rocked slightly before his face peered over the side she was on, "Now the boat will be soaked." She complained, watching him slide of the edge.

"Well we've got all this space to ourselves for now, so why not enjoy it." Pierre said holding Océane as he went into for a kiss. They both joined by their lips, kicking their legs slightly to keep them afloat.

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Liked by pierregasly, landonorris and 56,578 others

oceanebeaufoy: 🤍🤍
Photo creds, the one and only @pierregasly

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pierregasly: Whenever you need photos taken, you have my number xx
oceanebeaufoy: I will remember that, thank you stranger I do not know

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Pierre glanced over at Océane as they sat in her living room, "Stranger huh?" He said, making his way over to her part of the sofa.

"Stranger." She whispered as she kissed Pierre, giving him goosebumps all over.

They gave each other 'the eyes' unintentionally.

"Bedroom?" Océane asked, quickly stumbling up from her seat as Pierre did the same.

They once again were stumbling, however this time it was to take each other's clothes off. Before they decided it was best and easier to take their own clothes off.

Getting under the covers Pierre couldn't keep his hands off her, wandering them wherever he could on her exposed body. They asked the Alexa to play some music to make sure that Lando who was in the apartment somewhere wouldn't hear anything.

Pierre thrusted himself into her, again and again in a rhythmic way. His body leant over, his head level with hers as his face was dug into her collarbones. "Fuck." He mumbled into her body, sparking a reaction from Océane who suddenly jolted. "Just like that." She repeated as Pierre continued doing exactly what he was doing.

Once again, mid way though anything they were doing a knock at her door echoed the room. In a panic they threw the covers completely over their bodies and shouted 'come in.'

"Oh. I was uh, going to ask if you wanted anything from the Chinese take out?" Lando asked, facing his body so he was facing the wall in order to release himself from any awkwardness.

"No thanks." Océane said watching as Lando shut the door.

"Why always us, but i did want some Chinese by the way so I'm going to go tell him that now." Pierre said jumping out of bed, putting some clothes on quickly and catching Lando who was only in the kitchen.

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