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Once again, just as they did the day before Océane and Pierre woke up entangled in a hug at sunrise. Both knew the other was awake, but neither wanted the moment to end. Pure intimacy, their bare bodies finding comfort and heat in the other.

"Good morning beautiful." Pierre said, his voice husky and tired. Yet he hadn't moved an inch, still taking in every moment he could whilst it lasted. Pierre subtly started to stroke the hair out of Océane's face, allowing him to see her eyes as he wished.

"I don't regret last night one bit," Pierre said, with a full and content smile forming on his lips.

"I don't ever want to move." He continued, now digging his face into the gap between her collar bones and neck once again, finding extreme comfort in said place.

"I don't regret it either.' Océane whispered, still not in the stage of waking up where she could talk louder than a subtle whisper.

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Without warning and any time to prepare, Lando decided to burst the door and waltz straight into in Pierre's room. "Houston we have a problem" Lando said, quoting one of his favourite movies. Pierre and Océane pulling the duvet over their bodies.

Lando handed his phone to the pair, he was visibly worried and ran his fingers through his hair plenty more times than Lando Norris would do in the space of a day, all in the space of a minute.

"We will just address it on our instagram stories Lando, it's better to say something now then have all these fans making assumptions, I will post something now and you follow along and post something similar okay?" Océane said, she felt mature, yet the only thing she could think about was the constant flow of hate messages below the post, she could see up to hundreds in only the short amount of time that she was on Landos phone. But she wasn't the only one feeling upset, Pierre who was still beside her, his arm wrapped over her and placed on her shoulder, Pierre knew he had feelings for Océane and seeing all these fans saying that her and her best friend seemingly would be a good couple, were meant for each other and so on, really effected him more then he thought it should.

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f1gossip: As we all saw over the weekend via Max Verstappens instagram page. The group of drivers are in an unnamed city in Italy, and last night they partied away like nothing else. Reportedly according to some sources, they met two former Formula 1 drivers there out of pure coincidence. But that is not what we are gossiping about today, Lando Norris our star Mclaren driver and Océane Beaufoy, the girl who has been friends with Lando for as long as we know, apparently hooked up AT the club. They were seen taking drinks from the bar and eventually went into the bathroom for around 20 minutes.

Our sources are pretty reliable especially when it comes to this, leading on to the night Pierre Gasly got annoyed with the drama between Lando and Océane as she got more and more drunk to the point where she had to go home. And Lando wouldn't even take her, so she went to the house they're staying at all alone, in the dark and very drunk. Is this good friendship? And is that how Lando treats girls after he makes love to them in a clubs bathroom?

Let me know what you think below ⬇️

View all 2,568 comments.
user1: Océane wouldn't go for someone like Lando, i doubt this really happened to be honest.
gaslyfan: I really wanted Océane and Pierre to be a thing.
norrislando: Yayy! I've wanted them to get together for so long
lando4: When i said i wanted Slagclaren back i didn't mean i wanted Lando to date a slag.
user2: Océane wants Lando to look at her the way that Lando looks at that milk
user6: I hope they break up
user7: Can finally say i've been rooting from the sidelines for those two forever!
user9: die océane

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Lando quickly hurried out of the room, not questioning anything he just saw.

The pair glanced at each other briefly, and erupted in a laugh. "That was awkward." Océane said digging her hands into her face. Pierre disagreed with her and played along with it as if it was a joke, taking it to his own stride to go to the bathroom.

Océane decided to scroll through the comments on the post, yet she didn't know they'd be so hurtful mentally. Every single comment she read was a step closer to her breaking down in tears, until eventually it got to that.

She started to sob, as quietly as she could to not alarm Pierre, the hurtful comments feeding up in her mind. "Why don't we all go do..." Pierre said, cutting himself off before he finished talking.

"Océane?" He continued, he rushed over to his side of the bed, crawling onto it and comforting her as much as he could. Grabbing her body with one of his arms, her head lay on the upper part of his chest, he rubbed her shoulder gently.

"Hey, was it something i did?" Pierre asked, making sure to get it out as quickly as it could to make sure he hadn't done anything wrong.

"No, it's just im fed up with it. The constant hurtful messages, the fake rumours and fake lies which could ruin what i have with other people. What i have with you. It is horrible to know that there's people who hate me without even knowing me, all because i supposedly am dating one of my best friends? Its got to the point where i'm at my breaking point and i'm unsure what to do." Océane said, on a tangent letting out all her feelings as much as she could.

"Océane, never ever think i would stop caring for you, because of a silly instagram post. Because i want you to know that i am here for you, every step of the way, and if we need to overcome this together we will, let's draft an instagrams story shall we?" Pierre replied, being extremely comforting and understanding of how Océane felt.

He would wipe the tears from her face, every now and again kiss her head to let her know she was doing amazingly. And unsurprisingly, Pierre was one of the most supportive people Océane had been in the same building as at any given time.

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oceanebeaufoy posted an instagram story.

oceanebeaufoy posted an instagram story

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