S1 Ep1 Strange Beautiful Creature

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I woke up with a yawn and stretch

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I woke up with a yawn and stretch. "Mm I slept like a baby. Had a really strange dream though. I met myself while dimension hopping. Isn't that silly? Ill have to write that one down"  I thought to myself before turning to my bedside table to see Saiki.

He had this annoyed look on his face. "A baby? More like a bear. You've been alseep for months. And stop breaking the fourth wall idiot." Motherfucker knows he's in an anime and breaks it all the time with his narrative. "You're the one to talk" I scoffed. "Whatever just start the episode"


My name is Y/N Saiki. The adopted sibling of Kusuo Saiki. But you already know about me if you read the prologue. If not go do it now dummy. My dearest bigger, though probably younger, brother is a psychic. He has all sorts of nifty tricks up his sleeve.

Bending spoons. Telepathy. Telekinesis. You know the usual and plus some. Just earlier today he used his powers to prevent a dog getting hit by a car. What a softie. But he won't admit it though.

With these powers you might thinkhe's the happiest boy alive. But you are dead wrong. Being able to bend spoons makes it hard to eat. A prize of a years worth of sweets can hurt your tummy although Ku can easily eat it if he wanted too. No sense of achievement or surprise coming his way from working hard though he can always choose not to usebhis powers on tasks that don't require them. Perhaps he'll feel some achievement then.

But it's safe to say I have the same struggles as him. We can suffer together as family and bond through mutual pain. Though he's always making things a lot harder than it needs to be. He doesn't even realize it.

"What was that?" He asked. "Oh nothing. I was just introducing you to the readers. I hope you don't mind too much. You already put yourself through enough trouble as is. Besides as the narrator I might as well"

He decided not to question it and continued walking home from what I assume is school as we were both wearing our uniforms. Nice teal pants, jacket, and tie along with a whit button up. Oh I feel so fancy. I decided to wear a face mask as well. Not just for preventing disease but because going on high action adventures can leave some nasty scars here and there. I could rid of them but that won't make me an interesting character. Besides I think they're badass.

When we arrived Kuniharu seemed to be locked out again. Despite being family now I refuse to use the words "mother" and "father" or anything of equivalent. It feels weird to say but they are thankfully understanding.

"Oh hey you two! Mind helping your old man out" He was so casual about it. "Did your darling and wonderful wife change the locks again?" I teased. I knew they were fighting and I saidbit anyway.

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