Mini Ep3 Playground

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Recently I had found a supply of candy at the store that I never thought I'd see

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Recently I had found a supply of candy at the store that I never thought I'd see. It was one of those flavored sugar candies that came in a packet with a candy stick. I belive it was called Super Sour Sugar Dip. Try saying that three times fast.

Now the reason why I was surprised to find it is because most places and dimensions Ive gone too have it banned due the obvious high sugar contents. It causes sugar highs so intense that kids would get hurt.

And so I did the only rational thing and bought out everything the store had. As soon as I got myself home I locked the doors to my room and started digging into my sweet and sour confections.

I rip one of the packets and take the candy stick out. I dip it into the sour sugar before just ditching it an pouring the packets contents into my mouth. "AHAHAHAH"

After a solid thirty I had ended up consuming an entire box of the Super Sour Sugar Dip. I had decided to save the remaining boxes somewhere where no one can find it. Which is in my own pocket dimension where nobody can find it. Right into the cabinets you go! Ohoho!

I can feel the energy from the sugar surging through my veins. All my senses are heightened. I can see colors no human or man has scene before. I can hear bugs scittering across the yard. I can smell everything that's in the fridge. I can taste everything that I've ever eaten both good and bad. I can feel each individual molecule. I can think at a million times faster than any being and everything feels like it's in slow motion.

All of the universe is smothering me in the face. I love it but fucking hate it at the same time. I need to burn this energy off. now NOW NOW! But what to do in such a predicament. Then I remember Kusuo's words about going to a playground. I'll do that. But it would be suspicious to go alone. Oh maybe my sweet Touma would go with me. I say that as if we were a couple which we weren't yet unfortunately but the day will come sooner or later.

Then again I can always ask Hairo but then he'll expect this energy from me all the time. Kusuo and practically anyone else would just get annoyed orbthink im on drugs so my best course of action is asking Touma it's all very logical really.

I ring up Touma and speak a little too loud intonthe phone. "Ayo Touma I ate a bunch of candy and I got a whole shit ton of energy that I gotta motha fuckin buuuurrrnnn. Let's go to a playground I wanna wing and run around. Ill meet you ther ok I love you bu bye" I hang up the phone.

Whait what did I say. Ah I don't remember. I gotta run run run! Screw the longboard. Gottaa go fast! "Ahahahah!" I kick my door off it's hinges and started running out the door and to the playground by Touma's house.

To my surprise he made sense of my fast paced speaking nonsense and was there. But then agian I can make sense of his fast pace nonsense. He seemed happier than usual to see me but no matter that just means we'll have more fun!

"TOUMA!" I beamed happily as I ran to him with open arms for a big warm snuggly hug. He opened his arms as well and I ran even faster. Despite being so high energy everything felt so slow. I crashed into him and held him close. But I ran too fast and ended toppling him over.

"Oof-" I crashed down onto him and ended up pinning him to the ground it was totally an accident but he seems into it. I think. It's hard to tell with the sugar pumping through my veins. I could kiss him if I want to but consent is key. Oh god I've been staring at him too long he's looking at me weird. Probably. I should get off him now.

I attempt to roll off of him but it failed and now it was just him who was on top of me. I had let go but he still laid there. Is he ok? Did I kill him? Do I need to raise the dead? Should I just let him become a ghost? Is it morally ethical to kiss a ghost?

I lift up his head gently off of my chest to see a cherry red face with an awkward smile. "Ha ha Y/N you got a lot of energy today don't you? How much candy did you eat? No wait let me guess? Jusdging by the color of you teeth and your breath you ate some of that Super Sour Sugar Dip stuff. Judging by how much your body is shaking an the look in your eyes as well a how fastbyou talked ove the phone I can only assume that you ate a whole box. I understand that you needbto burn off all of this energy but when you crash I don't want you to be so tired that you can't make it home. I also don't want you to over exert your self. So why don't we slow down and go on some of those spinny round about thingies. That should provide the right amount of adrenaline to get rid of that sugar rush. I'm going to let go of you now and you better not run off."

He let's go and then helps me up with both of his hands. Hehehe we're holding hands. He cares about me and we're holding hands. Also I'm totally going to run off and Im going to make it a game. I let go of his hands before smacking his arm. "Tag your it!"

I run off at full speed around the park and looked behind me to see a worries Touma chase after me. "Y/NNNNN!" He yelled as he ran. He maybhave captured my heart but he can't capture me! Up the rock climbing wall! Down the slide! On top of the monkey bars on all fours! I never felt so alive! "Oof-"

After running around for about an hour straight the fabled crash had happened. The energy drains as quick as it surged. I thought vision was turning back to normal but then it went dark. I could feel my legs get all jelly like and my body go numb. Am I dying or is thi just the crash? I fell flat on my face and passed out.

When I regained consciousness I felt a hand on the side of my face, cupping my cheek gently. The hand was warm but not sweaty so the hand had a bit of general grip to it. It was also a lil fidgety as one of the fingers occasionally flicked at my earrings.

As I took in my surroundings without opening my eues I noticed a few things. I was on the grass. My head was on someone's lap. My hair was moved out of my face. I wasn't wearing my face mask. Had I forgotten to put it on or was it taken off so I could breath better?

I opened my eyes to see Touma staring straight down at me with a worried expression. "Oh thank goodness you're ok! I got so worried when you passed out. I warned you not to run around and yet you did you should really listen to me more but you already do jsut fine and that's what I like about you but you should listen when I try to give health advice because look what happened since you didn't. But don't get me wrong the fact that you listen isn't just the only thing I like about you it's just on of the many things ok? I was also really worried since I saw your scars and I got scared at first that you hurt yourself from the crash but the calmed down after rationalizing that couldn't be possible. The wounds would've been fresh and not nearly as nasty as the ones you have. Not saying your nasty I'm saying those scara looke like they hurt. And I don't want to pry on how you got the scars as it would be insensitive of me but I will make silent speculations delenyon the type of scar judging by the hape and color. But again I will keep that to myself. Anyways ho do you feel?"

Well at least he wasn't grossed out. But why would he? He's too nice. "Tired" I replied before trying to raise a hand to cover my face. But my hand was shaky and I couldn't so I just leaned into his hand and hoped that he would take a hint.

He of course did. He's so smart. "I know that you're not a fan of those scars but I really wish you'd show your face more. I-I think it's nice" He's turning into a tomato again. "I think your fac is nice too Touma." I yawned out. Am I really that tired. Oh well I have plenty of time to take a nap. Maybe he cam carry me bridal style somewhere all romantic like. Yeah that would be nice. . . . Z Z z. . . .


Hpe y'all enjoyed lil romantic tit bit

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