just know

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fave song

its great to be back😋😋


zero slams a man on the ground and breaks his neck. "too bad. shouldnt have pissed me off" she taunts the dead man.

five looks over to her. "is that all of them?"

"nope" she runs at the speed of light behind five and pins a man to the ground who was about to attack five.

she grabs a shard of glass and strikes him through his chest.

"now thats all of them. you better thank me, i just saved your ass." zero gets up brushing herself off.

"thank you? you okay? no injuries?" five questions.

"no im fine, nothing wrong." she begins walking off.

they get back to the academy.

"so you two, how did you handle the mission?" reginald asks the pair.

"with ease." zero gives a blunt answer and walks off upstairs.

she goes to the bathroom and looks around for the first aid kit.

theres a knock. "go away." she yells.

"you okay in there?" fives voice rings.

"yeah im fine just taking my time." she finds the first aid kit. "aha."

she opens it and takes out disinfectant and a bandage.

she takes off her shirt and uses the disinfectant on the large stab wound in her stomach.

"ouch." she hisses.

"zero? what are you doing in there? are you hurt?" five shows concern.

"yes i said im fine!" she shouts.

she spills the disinfectant on her wound by accident. she screams through her teeth.

five spatial jumps into the bathroom and sees the wound.

"you told me you were okay!"

he raises eyebrows when he realises she  is basically just in her bra and skirt. "oh." he says under his breath.

"and i am. now leave im literally half naked!" zero grits her teeth.

"that doesnt matter, you are badly hurt. now let me see." five inspects the wound trying his best to not get distracted by the fact shes barely clothed.

"im fine five. i can handle myself. i dont need you trying to take care of me and getting worried for me every time something minor happens."

"well you have a giant stab wound, im 99% sure you cant handle that on your own." he takes the bandage and places it over the wound, he presses down gently so it sticks and zero hisses again. "sorry."

"thanks i guess." she puts her shirt back on, five watches her, she frowns at him. she opens the door to leave.

"even with that stab wound you looked like an absolute badass beating the shit out of those guys." five remarks.

"and who do you think i learn it from?" zero raises her eyebrows.

"me of course." five walks out in front of her, looking down at her with a grin.

"mhm." zero winks at him and heads to her bedroom.

five smirks. "literally a female version of me. smart, stubborn, great at fighting and really attractive."

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