Addiction ~ Peter Parker

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Warnings: Drug addiction, and mentions of hardcore drugs.

Peter's POV

Ever since my mom and dad passed away, I've always felt alone. I became Spider-man to help people. Like I couldn't help them...

I have always blamed myself for their deaths. I know I shouldn't, but I do.

I joined the avengers 2 years ago. They don't know about my parents death.

I started taking drugs at the age of 16. I'm 18. Nobody knows about my addiction problems. Not even Tony.

At first it was only small drugs such as Cocaine and sex drugs. It wasn't serious. But now... it was getting bad.

I started Crystal Meth a few months ago. It was a deadly drug, but I didn't care. I just missed my parents. I wanted to see them again so much.

Today I had a mission with everyone. We were going to infiltrate Hydra again.

I walked into the training room and grabbed my Spider-Man suit.

"Hey Pete." Tony grabbed my shoulder. "Hey Mr. Stark!" I said trying to cover up how high I was.

We arrived at the Hydra base and ran inside. We split up and found the weapon we were getting.

All of the sudden, the doors shut us in. "What the hell?" I heard Steve say.

And then darkness....

I woke up what I assume was a day or two later to Tony shaking me.

"Tony?" I said in a weak voice. "You ok?" He asked worried. I nodded. I slowly sat up and saw around 10 guards around us, and a big tv on the wall. Steve, Bucky, Natasha, Wanda, and Tony were all in the room.

Suddenly I felt nauseous and ran to the nearest toilet. I threw up lots. I felt a shiver down my spine. I needed a hit.

I was freaking out inside. "Peter?!" Tony yelled and tried to go after me.

I felt a handcuff go around one of my hands. "What the fuck?" I said looking up and saw a guard smiling at me. I groaned.

A few hours later, I don't know how long I was actually there but I was cold.

"He needs a blanket." Steve said unaware of my problems. "No. I know what he needs." A guard pulled a syringe out from behind his back. I sat straight up knowing what it was.

"Please..." I begged. "I need it!" I yelled tugging at my cuffs. Everyone looked at me confused except for the guard who continued to smirk. "What? This?" He asked coming closer. I pulled at the cuffs more. "You want your drugs?" He asked laughing.

Everyone looked at me as they realized. Their faces were pale. "Peter..." Tony said in sympathy.

"Poor Peter couldn't save his parents." The guard said. That made me really angry. I tugged at the cuffs hard almost breaking them. The guard laughed. "What is he talking about Peter?" Tony asked confused and sad at the same time.

"Oh, he didn't tell you?" The guard smiled. "His poor parents died in a fire a few years ago." The guard said not caring.

I felt warm tears fall down my face. "Fuck you!" I spat. Tony looked at me in shock. "Peter... why didn't you tell us?" He asked. I didn't answer him and stared the guard dead in the eye.

I really wanted those drugs. "Give them to me!" I demanded. The guard sighed and walked towards me holding the needle out. He gave it to me and smiled taking off his belt also handing it to me. "Go nuts." He smiled.

"Peter. Don't." Bucky warned me not fully aware of what was in the needle.

I ignored him completely and rolled up my sleeves on my suit. I ignored the stares around me.

Tony's POV:

I watched as he rolled up his red and black sleeves. I saw the marks. The black dots were scattered all over the inside of his elbow.

How could I not know? My kid has been an addict this whole time and I didn't know?

Peter's POV:

I wrapped the belt around the top of my elbow. I placed the needle where I wanted it and watched as it sunk into my skin.

I injected the drug inside the needle into my arm. I sat back against the wall as the drug made its way through my body.

Tony's POV:

I watched as Peter started to fall asleep. The guards all left as we all sat there shocked at the sight in-front of us.

"What was in the needle?" Bucky asked confused. "I don't know... but he's clearly done it before..." I said sadly.

We all watched as Peter sat there, high as fuck...

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