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[A/N: Hello my lovelies! Here is the next chapter for you all! I hope you're enjoying the story and excited to see how it winds down as we near closer to the end! I love to read your comments and reactions, and to know just you much you're invested in this story (as well as how many therapy sessions I'm the cause of). I love you all and hope you enjoy! -K 🖤]

[🌿This chapter is long, contains swearing, and slight angst.🌿]
A sudden rap at the front door inspired William to bolt towards it in expectation. He had been waiting all night and the majority of today for her to return home.

After leaving her countless messages and voicemails, he knew she would finally come around.

With a hurried swing, he opened the door and disappointment flooded him. His jaw set in determination. "What are you doing here?" Will bitterly questioned, sneering at the visitor who wasn't exactly pleased to see him either, even if they were best friends.

"I'm here to check on (Y/N)." Santiago plainly stated as Will blocked the entry into the house and tightened his fists in frustration. Santi carefully held (Y/N)'s new book in his hand, securing it safely against his side.

He'd never allow anything to disturb her belongings or ruin her happiness.

"And why the hell are you doing that, Pope?" Will sneered, inhibiting rage towards Santi who crossed his arms in defiance. Will rolled up his sleeves as he felt his body temperature begin to increase.

Santi sniffed before blankly responding, not caring to give Will any satisfaction in the matter of his bitter mood. "She said she was stopping by today and she never showed up. She isn't answering her phone either. Is she okay? Is she not feeling well?" He worriedly wondered, taking a step towards the threshold of the house he had been welcomed into several times before.

His eyes drifted towards (Y/N)'s beloved flower beds and her hanging blooms on the front porch. His forced grin devolved into an aggravated frown as he noticed the desecrated flowers and crushed petals.

Santi was aware just how much (Y/N) appreciated the small and simple things, which is way he purposefully studied her and acutely listened for her interests so he too could further adore her and her passions.

Which was why his next project was introducing a garden into his backyard. He desired to create a sanctuary, an enchanting sanctum for her to find rest in.

He had been subconsciously preparing his home for her.

"Oh, really?" Will mumbled, gripping the edge of the wooden door tightly. "Was that before or after you fucked her last night?" His eyes squinted at Santi in judgement. "She was upset and went to your house looking for a reason to whore around, and you took the opportunity to finally spread her-"

"Shut your fucking mouth, Miller." Santi aggressively pointed at Will's chest, fuming that Will would ever disrespect his Angel in the way he just did. "Don't talk about her like that. And how do you know she stopped by?" At this close proximity, Santi could smell the obvious fumes of alcohol that emitted from Will.

Will slyly chuckled and leaned against the front door, clicking his tongue. "After she stormed out of here in her bitchy fit, well, I wasn't going to allow my fiancée to just walk away like that. So I followed her to your fucking house. You slept with my girl, and it certainly wasn't the first time." Will accused Santi, causing him to shove Will backwards into the house suddenly.

"I know you've been drinking. But that doesn't give you a fucking excuse to disrespect her. That's your final warning." Santi threatened, feeling a sudden impulse to punch Will. "I never slept with her, you dick! She stopped by to thank me for her birthday present, which she accidentally left with me." He gestured to the book in his hand. "I brought it back for her. She came inside, I showed her some of the projects I was working on, and she left!" Santi slammed the door closed behind him as he yelled at Will in anger. "She told me you guys were finished. What the fuck happened? What did you do, Miller?"

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