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[A/N: Hello my lovely readers! Here is the next chapter for you all! I see all of your comments (which I adore to read) and know that you are eagerly anticipating the mysterious backstories of Santi and Will. I promise that all will be revealed and relatively soon! I love you all and hope you enjoy! -K 🖤]

[🌿This chapter contains swearing, perilous situations, and saddening angst.🌿]
My peaceful rest was abruptly interrupted as the helicopter jerked in an inconvenient torrent. My eyes immediately opened, fearing that the so far successful trip of the helo had come to a tumultuous end. I began to panic and attempted to stand in preparation of a descent.

A large hand secured me, holding my waist and preventing me from harshly rolling onto the floor of the helo. "'s okay. I'm right here." Santi comforted, causing me to slow my movements and replace my head back onto his chest softly in realization that I was safe. "You slept really well for a couple hours. How do you feel?"

My fingers absentmindedly played with the fabric of his navy shirt as I adjusted to being awake. "I'm...okay." I quietly responded, adjusting my head to bury into his neck. My eyes closed at feeling the emanating warmth and his relaxing scent. "Thank you." I continued, allowing my hand to relax on his vest, moving in tandem with his deep inhales.

"Don't thank me, Angel. You aren't a burden to me." He returned, placing his hand on my shoulder, gently running his fingers down my arm and back towards my shoulder in a calming pattern of soft motions. I sighed, realizing that I had harshly tensed my entire body when I had woken up. I released my weight against Santi and relaxed against him again. "There you go..." He whispered, noticing that I was choosing to relax instead of remaining uncomfortable.

I whimpered in discomfort when my lower back began to sear again, but Santi's warm hand immediately tended to the sore muscles. My pained noises dissipated as he tenderly pressed his fingers against my skin and massaged gently.

His hand ceased its journey of my arm as he adjusted his headset, listening to the voices that I no longer had access to. With a determined expression, he began to sit up, also raising me to sit up as well.

"I'll be right back, sweetheart. Just gotta check on the guys." He stated, positioning me on the bench and brushing his thumb over my chin. I winced as I sat up straight, feeling the once more painful searing in my lower back.

But Santi wasn't able to console the agony this time.

Being in the helo reignited one of the worst injuries I had sustained from the crash, and I felt like I had broken my back all over again.

Santi ventured towards the cockpit, leaving me alone on the bench as I rubbed my eyes in exhaustion. I yawned and stretched, glancing at the wall above me. I reached for the headset and placed it over my ears to comfort myself with the voices of the guys.

Ben scurried towards me and tumbled against the bench, sitting where Santiago once was. "Hey," He chuckled, patting my knee and grinning, "You sleep okay?" He inquired, adjusting his receiver over his mouth.

I nodded and leaned my head against his shoulder. "Yeah. I'm ready to go home." I stated, feeling Ben's fingers interlace with my own. His cheek rested against the top of my head softly and I breathed deeply at feeling his touch.

"I know, (Y/N). I know..." He returned, clearing his throat and relaxing against the wall. "The view is beautiful from up here. Why don't you look outside the window, hm?" Ben offered, now standing and taking me up with him.

"Ben, I don't think- I don't know..." I struggled to respond, my hands trembling as he guided me towards the side exit of the helo and positioning me in front of the door and motioning to the small, circular window.

A Trail of Smoke and Smugglers (Santi/PopexReader)Where stories live. Discover now