Redeeming Love

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[A/N: Hello my lovelies! Apologies for the late update! Here is the second to last chapter for you all! I'm so excited that we're closing this book and opening another shortly! Thank you all for being here and supporting me. I love you all and hope you enjoy! -K 🖤]

[🌿This chapter is long, contains swearing, slight angst, and sexual references and insinuations.🌿]
[Two years later]

I hurriedly walked through the grocer aisle, quickly grabbing laundry sheets before I forgot. I would have to start preparing dinner within the next hour to have it prepared by the time that the guys stopped by.

There were too many options to consider, so I rapidly grabbed a box and squeezed it slightly, smelling the light lavender aroma that escaped. "Good enough. Santi will like that." I mumbled to myself, tucking it under my arm along with my other necessities.

I chewed my lip nervously, running over my mental list over what else I needed for tonight, or for the house in general. I was positive that I had checked every necessary box. With continuous reassurance from Santi and my therapist, I was doing better with mental challenges and stressful situations.

For the first time in the majority of my life, I was happy. Santi and I hadn't moved, deciding that the house he had prepared for me was going to be our forever home. Being in the same city gave us the opportunity to spend time with Fish, Ben, Molly, and Tessa as often as we desired.

I was also able to see my brother everyday as I took flowers to his grave, with Santi always by my side.

Santi had laid to rest all of his attachments and affiliations in South America, now working out of our garage in a successful furniture-making business. I had also retired from the service, completely disregarding my plan to re-enlist. Santi had convinced me to sell my weapons, and I agreed as long as I could keep my Desert Eagle pistol. Needless to say, that pistol was safely tucked away in my nightstand drawer.

I had recently gotten a job in our city's library and volunteered at a community greenhouse on the weekends. Although my life was somewhat busy. I wouldn't have it be any other way.

Confident I wasn't going to miss anything at the store, I turned around and rushed down the aisle, rapidly turning the corner to shuffle to the checkout.

A sudden collision caused me to drop every object in my hands.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention, and... Please forgive me." I rapidly muttered strings of apologies as I slightly pulled up my long cotton dress, kneeling to begin retrieving my groceries from the laminate flooring.

"No, no, don't apologize! That was completely my fault, and I apologize. Please, allow me." The person across from me instantly replied, also kneeling with me as we both worked to pick up the strayed items. "(Y/N)...?" The voice questioned, causing me to immediately glance upwards.

My mouth slightly fell open in surprise.

"William? It's been a while." I breathed out, placing the dryer sheets under my arm again. I swallowed loudly, not expecting to see him randomly on a day where I was rushing to return home.

He looked different than I remembered him. More healthy. More mature.

He chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, two years now?" Will smiled kindly and offered me my dropped bottle of shampoo that had mysteriously stayed intact during our accidental impact. I reached for it and he hesitated. "Wow... You're married?" Will asked, staring at the diamond on my left hand.

I eagerly nodded and admired my beloved ring once again. "Yes. Santiago asked me when we all returned home after...Brazil. And we were married six months later." I explained, reaching for the bottle and tucking it in the crease of my arm.

A Trail of Smoke and Smugglers (Santi/PopexReader)Where stories live. Discover now