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[A/N: Hello my lovelies! I apologize for this super late chapter, I had no idea it would take me hours to complete it. There are a few more chapters to be posted before this book is finally completed! Thank you all for staying! I love you all and hope you enjoy! -K 🖤]

[🌿This chapter is extremely long, contains swearing, violent and dangerous situations, and saddening angst.🌿]
I swallowed dryly as the sun shone heavily down on us as we remained in our same positions from the night previous. Santi had continuously woken me up through the night, afraid that my breaths were becoming more shallow as time passed.

"Here, Angel..." Fish knelt before me, offering me his water canister, but I was too weak to reach for it. I sadly frowned and looked away from him. "That's okay, let me help." He nodded with a smile, guiding the spout to my lips as I attempted to drink it.

Santi's footsteps tufted as he approached from around the bags and back towards me. "Everything okay?" He questioned, watching as Fish removed the water from me once I ceased to be able to control what I was able to actually drink. Santi quickly wiped the rogue drips from my chin as my head weakly laid to the side.

"A few hours. At most. We need to get to that fucking boat, now." Fish's tone was suddenly intense and hostile towards Santi who worriedly glanced towards me.

My eyes drifted to Benny as his figure came into focus before me. With a weak smile, I studied his gait as he walked closer to our group. I was grateful that he had returned unharmed, yet fearful because of how long it took him to reach the boat.

I didn't have that long.

Will groaned as he stood to greet his brother. "You all right?" He painfully inquired, holding his side and observing his brother approach.

"God, what the hell happened to you?" Ben shuffled towards his brother, noticing the newly busted lip, broken nose, and two black eyes.

"Pope. Pope happened to me." Will's bruised eyes flicked over to Santi and myself, nervous and terrified of Santi's fulfilled promise of beating the shit out of him.

Ben scoffed and chuckled. "Good. It was either him or me.  The boat's there. I gave him half the money." He continued, swing his rifle from his arm and setting it onto the rocks. He then shrugged and shuffled towards me. "I hope he waits. I didn't go into town, but it looks like whoever's in charge there...has a kindergarten army that's looking for us." Ben stated, kneeling before me and smiling widely. "Hey, sweetheart. You didn't give them too much trouble, did you?"

Will crossed his arms and gasped at the agony of his recently broken ribs. "How many of them?" He asked, causing Ben to turn his head over his shoulder.

"Two or three pros, 20 heavily-arms teenagers." Ben returned, noticing my lack of a response. I had found it was easier to listen and didn't take as much energy and it wasn't as unbearable as talking was. He gently took my limp hands into his, his eyebrows knitting as he glanced back up to my face. "Your hands are freezing."

Fish was the next to stand impatiently. "What about the next town over?" His hands were on his hips as he pondered the view before him and the options they might have.

Santi shook his head and sighed. "It's over 100 miles to the south." He muttered, pressing his hand against my cheek gently. His jaw tightened, apparently not receiving the answer he was hoping for.

"I'm sure they've got every town covered anyway." Will assumed and scratched at his facial hair. "Must be what's left of Lorea's guys." He sniffed and allowed his head to drop.

Santi's thumb softly traced my noticeably paler cheeks. "So we go through 'em." He plainly uttered, causing silence to befall the group. I searched his face, curious as to what he intended and why he deemed it to be the only solution.

A Trail of Smoke and Smugglers (Santi/PopexReader)Where stories live. Discover now