Chapter 3: Coloring My World

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There's so many colors that associate with me. It's hard to find which color really represents me or my emotions well, because there's always so many other colors being made or replaced for emotions, and emotion always changes. Here's some colors that I can well represent with emotion.

Red: I always use red for anger or frustration. When I'm frustrated or upset, imagine my ears blowing steam out as my entire head becomes red, representing a ticking time bomb. It's never a good idea to get me upset, because things that I will say have the chance to be things that I may regret later in life, and I don't like hurting other people's feelings either. As a kind courtesy, please do whatever you can in your power to not be so rude or mean to me, sounds like a good plan?

Yellow: I use the color yellow to represent caution in my life. When I'm more on the verge of a mental breakdown or starting to get angry overall, I get very irritated and become a bit more 'hesitant' in a way. I'm not one to try and be rude altogether, because I hate being rude and negative to others, and so I enter into that caution phase, where I can still go back to being alright, but it also shows that I'm about to be really upset.

Green: As most people would most likely figure out, the color green for me represents that I'm good, that I'm doing ok. It's one of the positive colors in the mix, which I appreciate myself for.

Blue: You would think the color blue would've represented my emotions of being upset. In a way, it doesn't, but this color specifically revolves around the emotions of being upset in the more 'mental' matter. This could include crying, depression, anxiety, mood swings, etc. My main emotions with the color blue tend to be anxiety and depression, but the depression is shown in the form of crying from time to time, so it can be hard to tell if I'm just crying because I want to, or if it's something to do with depression. I find it to be more of a universal color between these emotions.

Purple: Most people would say this would be more of an 'erotic' related color, and while they're not wrong, this isn't what the color purple is used for in my life. The color purple signifies my times when I'm very moody, such as saying phrases like "Excuse you!" or "That's what he/she said" or something else that is more sassy. I don't tend to be sassy as much as I used to when I was just a little boy, but clearly it still stays with me. I always tell myself I get it from my Mother, because she was really sassy as well. Sometimes we would be sassy towards each other, which made us both laugh at the end. I always consider my color purple to be a positive color.

Cyan: This color is quite unique to me in my opinion. This color for me shows my true spirit and fighting for what's right. I'm not one for things to be unfair for one party of people because the other party thinks it's ok that people are mistreated, not respected, or anything else that is negative towards a specific party or group of people. This color truly shines when I'm speaking in public, fighting for what is truly right in today's society, especially because we all want to live peacefully and sleep easily at night, not with constant wars and all these bombs and nukes being dropped on our heads like its candy on Easter Day. I really like this color, and I consider it to be one of the best positive colors of mine.

Black: This color is by far the most negative color of my color palette when it comes to my life. This color represents my darkest thoughts that I keep locked away very deep inside my subconscious. This color never existed until a lot of really sad and traumatic events occurred in my life in a matter of one month. Thankfully, this color hasn't appeared much within the past year, but it was the only color that showed for two years straight. Nowadays, I keep it locked and use my last color, pink, to help with this.

Pink: This color is my color of defense. This color helps me keep my thoughts to myself, such as my thoughts that contribute to my color black, my actions upon myself or others in regards to verbal situations, or if someone is to accuse me of something that I never did, my color pink truly shows my mixing itself with the color red, to show the purpose of why I'm truly acting defensive. The color pink has come in really handy and I'm grateful that I've been able to adapt myself to this color and adopt its purpose into my life. This color isn't positive nor negative, so I personally consider it to be more of a neutral color more than anything else. 

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