C H A P T E R 12

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Shoyo walked towards Coach Ukai and Takeda-sensei. He handed them the guns and bullets he stole from the two dead bois.

Takeda-sensei reluctantly took it.....He never held a gun before...Its heavy and looks pretty intimidating..

Coach Ukai doesn't seem to mind really. He casually took the gun and asked Shoyo if he was okay.

Shoyo nodded and said he was fine!

"Also....I think I have this super healing ability because my gun shot wound healed in a matter of seconds!" Shoyo whispered to him.

Coach Ukai widened his eyes "No way..."

Shoyo grinned "Yes way.."

"I think we should start walking now....Though it will probably take awhile to arrive our destination because we have an injured and unconscious people in our team.." Takeda-sensei said to everyone.

"Yes Sensei" Karasuno said.

"Narita-kun and Aran-kun, Will you please help Ukai-san along the way? Also, Kiyoko-chan please help Yachi-chan" Takeda-sensei said while adjusting the gun in his arms.

Narita and Aran nodded, they helped Coach Ukai up while he grunted in pain from his injured leg.

Kiyoko carried Yachi on her back.

"It would be bad if the injury gets infected...We really have to go to that Hospital as soon as possible. Maybe there are tools that could help us with Coach Ukai's leg injury" -Ennoshita

"Of course there will be. Its the Hospital." Tsukishima rolled his eyes.

Ennoshita narrowed his eyes at Tsukishima.

"Well, lets get going then! We don't wanna dilly dally!" Shoyo ushered them to start walking as he went to Natsu and carried her in his arms carefully..

Natsu seemed to already pass out long ago when she saw her Brother injured. She must have been so terrified..

The guys and girls started walking while Shoyo and Natsu in his arms were in the back of the group.

Shoyo remembered something from earlier.....

He saw the dead woman with Natsu from afar. When they passed by her, Shoyo glanced at her..

The familiar short black haired lady laid lifeless on her already dried blood. He saw her dried tears from under her eyes.

It was indeed his Mother.

Shoyo bit his lips....

He stopped walking as he stood across her dead body. His group was still walking, but Yamaguchi turned back to see Shoyo looking down at the dead lady.


Shoyo looked up and saw Yamaguchi's haggard look. He smiled at Yamaguchi then looks back down to his dead Mother..

They are in Tokyo. His Family should've been in Miyagi. But.....It seems his Mother and Natsu wanted to visit Shoyo thats why they were here.

But they ended up not seeing each other until today.

The happy and tear jerking reunion that he has been imagining inside his pretty little head seemed to crack and he was showed this sight instead.

Shoyo had mixed emotions...

He doesn't know what to show first.

Joy because he was reunited with his Mother and Sister??? Sadness because he lost his Mother without even saying goodbye??? Or Anger because he wasn't able to save them earlier...?

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