C H A P T E R 7

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Daichi's POV

It was the day where we finally able to beat Aoba Johsai. We were celebrating, we were happy. And that was also the day I confessed to Hinata...

We were all walking home together. When the team went to their seperate ways, it was me and Hinata left.

We were chatting and laughing. As expected, Hinata's smile and laughter...I really can't get enough of it..

The first time I fell for him is when we first met. So you could say it was love at first sight. But I didn't know that after I saw him spike the ball with his big happy smile...

I could hear my heart thump as he happily laughed at the otherside of the court as the sun shone to him..

He was so bright...

Thats when I realized I fell inlove with him. So I started seriously pursuing him. But he didn't notice my obvious hints...

Purposely trapping him to a wall while we chat...Hugging him...Holding his hand...Buying him his favourite meatbun...I even started using those cringey pick up lines...

But he still didn't seem to notice.

So, I went even more further...

Letting him sit on my lap..Kissing him on the cheek...Chomping on the meatbun where he bit...Drinking on the same bottle...Hugging his upper naked body when we change in the clubroom...

I don't even know why he still didn't get my hints...When its so obvious...Even my team noticed it..

When they saw me doing those things to Hinata..They also started doing it as well...

Making my efforts all in vain because Hinata seemed to thought it was normal since everyone is doing it now...

And when I saw Sugawara kiss Hinata on the lips that day...I finally realized my team also likes Hinata romantically..

I was so mad....I didn't know I would get rivals...But that is to be expected. Hinata cannot be ignored. Because he is like the sun that shines so brightly.

And it became even more harder to pursue Hinata when other teams also started liking him...

But I tried my best to leave an impression.

When it was the day where we finally beat Aoba Johsai....I put all of my courage in confessing to Hinata.

And...What do you know?....

He actually said yes...

I was so happy I hugged and kissed him that day..

He blushed and said some conditions...Firstly, we have to keep it a secret since he's not ready to tell everyone yet. Secondly, he said that he's bad at kissing so I should forgive him for that. I don't really care because I'm happy.

And thirdly, we should not be lovey dovey openly.

I understood and agreed. He happily smiled at me and kissed me on the cheek with a red face.

He's so shy that its cute...I can't help but kiss him on the forehead..

We started dating. But....

After six weeks he dumped me. Yeah.

It ended just like that.


Because he got bored with me...

I didn't even know Hinata had that kind of side...

I thought we were happy...Or maybe I was just the only one thinking that..

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