C H A P T E R 15

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"We should go now ASAP! Those herd of zombies are getting closer!" Coach Ukai shouted as he ran towards where the others has gone to.

Shoyo followed behind as he climbed the stairs. "I know!"
"Phew...That was a fun exercise!" Shoyo placed his hands on his hips, as Shoyo stared at the distance.

"You're joking..." Coach Ukai gasped for air as he leaned on a wall. Level one zombies are a pain to kill, heck, even normal zombies are annoying. So....What about level two zombies, and level three, and more??? It. Would. Be. A. Disaster.

"Old man, we should catch up to the others. They must have found a safe place to rest for the night." Shoyo said with a small smile.

"Yeah....Lets go. Ugh, I can't wait to take a nice dreamless sleep."

The two duos then started walking. "Thats good. Ever since I became a zombie, sleep doesn't really matter to me anymore. Since I don't get tired."

Coach Ukai yawned. "Wow. Must be nice not being able to get tired.."

"..Yeah, it is."

"Why do I have a feeling theres something weird goin' on with you?" Coach Ukai said while he glances at Shoyo.

"Weird? What do you mean??" Shoyo laughed.

"Oh, never mind. I was just imagining things..."

The walk was silent. The night is still going, and the blood moon ain't going away any time sooner. It would be dangerous to walk out in the night...Well, every night is dangerous to walk out....But the night with a blood moon is even more dangerous.

Once the two arrived at the first floor. They were greeted by multiple doors on both sides, some flipped over tables and some plants, dirt was scattered all over the ground, and its vase were shattered.

"This must be a Company.." Coach Ukai said.

"You just noticed now? It literally said outside that its called Fil Co." Shoyo deadpanned.

Coach Ukai glared at him "I didn't notice okay?!"

"Meh" Shoyo shrugs.

Keishin just ignores him and started looking at the doors "The others must be in one of these rooms."

"No shit."

"Just shut up!"

Shoyo held up his hands in defeat. Keishin huffed in annoyance as he started randomly opening the mystery doors. Of course there were zombies jumping on him every time he opens a door, but Shoyo is there to save the day!

Finally they were in their last door. Keishin tried to open it. But it was locked, so Shoyo knocked.


"Keep it down kid!"

"Oh, sorry.....Ahem. Guys!! Are you in there??? Its us! Old man and you're favourite Shoyo Hinata!"

Keishin rubbed his forehead "I'm not an old man!"

"Soon, you will be."

Coach Ukai mimicked, as he said under his breath in a mocking manner. "sOoN yOu wIlL bE."

"Wow, Coach. You still do that??"

Coach Ukai glared at Shoyo. Shoyo just shrugs.

The two heard footsteps inside the room. The door opens revealing Reon with a relieved expression.  "We're so glad that you two are safe"

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