C H A P T E R 18

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Shoyo went back up and saw Tsukishima waiting for him. When Tsukishima saw him, he stopped leaning on the wall.

"Shrimp." Tsukishima was about to say something about the zombie blood on Shoyo, when he suddenly felt something strange....

Shoyo stared at Tsukishima with his red and dull eyes. Tsukishima felt that something was wrong with Shoyo...But he couldn't figure out what it is...

Shoyo smiled at Tsukishima. But this time, his smile didn't seem so bright anymore. In fact, it felt like it was fake "Tsukki! So you did wait for me. I thought you left"

Shoyo laughed, but his laughter didn't sound so lively anymore. It sounded more....Monotone..

Tsukishima frowned at Shoyo. "...You're weird."

Shoyo tilted his head and stared back at Tsukishima. "Am I?? You always say that Tsukki!"

Shoyo stood up straight and started walking. "Well, enough of that. Lets go back."

Tsukishima stared at Shoyo's back, until finally he followed behind.

Shoyo hummed as he walks, but the humming sounded creepy, like a killer leisurely chasing down their victims as they hum through the echoing corridors.

'What happened to him..?' Tsukishima thought with genuine concern....
Three adults can be seen inside a room, discussing about things, like their plans for the future.

Naoi-san said that he's going to transfer Nekoma's base to here. Because, this Hospital is big, though it may not be safe (According to Naoi-san himself)....It could use some upgrades here and there.

And another reason is that, Karasuno is here.

In this World filled with man eating monsters....And humans killing comrades. It is best to have people who you can trust. And since they knew each other before this apocalypse, Naoi-san is confident that they can work together to create and build a good environment/community to survive!

Coach Ukai liked the plan that Naoi-san told them.

If they have plenty of people....They can assign each person with a task. Like scouting for food, guard an area, plant some vegetables and more! It would be a success!

Coach Ukai can clearly see the vision that Naoi-san was seeing.

"I like this plan of yours! So we should go with that. But first, we have to have a meeting with everyone about this. That way they'll easily comply"

Naoi-san grinned. "Obviously!"

Takeda-sensei was just there listening to what they have to say. If he has an opinion, he'll speak up. But right now he doesn't. As he was busy thinking about the pros and cons of having plenty of people in your base.....

But since this is just the first step. Takeda-sensei remained silent.

"Yosh! Lets go Naoi and Takeda-sensei!" Coach Ukai finished their little meeting as he walked out of the room.

Takeda-sensei glanced at Naoi-san, when he saw Naoi-san look at him. Takeda-sensei smiled, then he followed behind Coach Ukai.


"Is everyone here??" Coach Ukai looked around the room where the Miya twins was being treated.

Once Coach Ukai saw everyone present. He and Naoi-san proceeds to tell them their plans for the future!

The teenage boys didn't have any objection and just agreed quickly to the adults.

"So...Are we going to find the other teams as well??" Tanaka can't help but ask.

"Yes. The more trust worthy people the better" Takeda-sensei said with a nod.

Sugawara frowned a bit as he did a thinking posture. "But....What if random strangers show up?? What do we do??"

"Yeah! What do we do?? Do we welcome them or nah??" -Lev.

Coach Ukai let out a "Urk..." He obviously hasn't thought about it yet...So he looked at Naoi-san and Takeda-sensei for help.

"If we let strangers in. How do we know if they won't stab us in the back?" Shoyo suddenly spoke with a tilted head.

Everyone looked at Shoyo. Some with strange eyes while some with confusion.

"What do you mean Hinata?" Asahi asked.

Shoyo crossed his arms. "You guys already know what's happening in this world. So that's why, we can't risk welcoming strangers in our base. Because like I said....What if they betray us? And its also not about betrayal...What about our supplies?"

"........." Everyone went silent as they looked at each other.

"...Yeah....He has a point..." Ginjima uttered out...

"But then again, maybe they won't betray us!" -Nishinoya. "Cause ya know....There will always be good.... people?....Even if its the end of the world....." Nishinoya was getting unsure of his words....

"I have an idea for this." Narita spoke up as he raised his hand.

Everyone's attention turned to him.

"What's the idea kid?" Naoi-san asked.

"We let strangers in, but only if they give us some of their supplies. They also have to work the positions we assigned to them. And if they betray us we'll just kick them out."

"...Hum....That ain't a bad one.." Coach Ukai said while rubbing his chin.

"Damn Narita! Where the hell did you get this idea?!" Tanaka grinned as he arm locks the guy.

Narita just awkwardly chuckles. "I read it in a zombie apocalypse novel. Also, its not that hard to think. I wonder why you guys cant even do it for yourselves...."

"Ah, of course" Kinoshita sighs.

Kita raised a hand. "I also wanted to ask. When will you guys assign us some tasks and positions to do? And when will we also upgrade our base to a better one?"

"Lets just do it tomorrow. All of us need some sleep because of all that happened today.." Naoi-san said with a yawn.

Kita nodded in understanding.

To Be Continued

I'm like losing motivation for this! Its just too much of a mess and it doesn't make sense at all T0T....

...But, I'll try my best to stay motivated to the readers who actually enjoy reading this xd

Won't keep any promises tho. Still dunno why y'all still read this-

If I DO end up discontinuing this, y'all can take this, I dunno

Anyways, have a great day/evening!!!

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