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Human Sundrop


Laughing, Sundrop and you watched some funny videos in YouTube. Catching your breath after the both of you slightly calmed down.

"Now that was funny" grinning from ear to ear, Sundrop tackles you tickling your sides. "N-No! Stop!" you wheeze. Thrashing around to get out of his hold. Shaking his head he continues to tickle you to death.

"Oi! Stop making too much noise!" Moondrop shouted from the other room.

Stopping his movements. You quickly took the opportunity and pushed him. But not too much force that it will actually hurt him.

"Ha got ya!" you laughed in victory. But stopped after realizing the position the two of you were in. You were on top of Sundrop. Practically straddling him at this point.

Flustered. Getting off of him in a stuttering mess. Trying to come up with an apology but he only shushed you up saying it was okay. But you can see the red tinted hue on his cheeks. Absolutely adorable.

Tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. Chuckling awkwardly. You have a crush on Sundrop. I mean who wouldn't? He's such a cutie and so sweet. But the problem was... you still haven't confessed. Afraid of rejection. But only if you knew he felt the same way.

Fake coughing, the both of you stood up smiling at each other like idiots. Completely oblivious of each other's feelings. "So... how about we grab some lunch before we finish that presentation?" nodding your head in agreement, the both of you joyfully headed to a nearby café.

"God, you can't imagine how nervous I am for tomorrow". Laughing, he softly pats you in the back. "Don't worry you'll do great" he reassured. "Well- easy for you to say. You're confident but I turn into a mush just by standing in front of so many people" you huffed depressingly. His expression turned soft before ruffling your hair. "Hey. Don't get all gloomy now. I believe in you. You should believe in yourself too. Have faith" he says in a gentle manner while holding the palm of your hands.

Blushing at the contact. Your eyes were wide at the genuine look on his face. You felt butterflies in your stomach fluttering all over the place. "Just pretend that you're confident then you'll get the hang of it. Okay?" nodding softly, his smiled even wider. "Good. I will buy you f/f you do a great job" "Really?! You better keep your word"


Today was the day you are going to come up in front of so many people. The teacher assigned the class to make a presentation about historical heroes. And that's what you did. If this was a group project then you don't mind staying up all night gathering information. But never be the one to present.

Gulping, tapping your foot on the ground in a quick pace out of anxiousness while looking at your classmate talking in front. Freezing after realizing that they were already done.

"Thank you r/n. Next, Y/n. Your turn". Fidgeting in your seat. Hesitant for a moment if you should stand up or not. You can already feel the stares... Looking to the side. You saw Sundrop giving a thumbs up. His face practically screaming 'you can do this'. You were truly grateful by this and gained little confidence.

You didn't know what was wrong. I mean you were pretty confident, a badass at times. But once you start to stand in front of so many people. You just wanted to hide away in the corner where no one will see you.

Standing at the front. Standing there awkwardly not knowing what to do for a moment before clearing your throat. "Hi, My n-name is Y/n". Cursing yourself for stuttering you continued. Trying your best not to stutter, catching your breath from time to time because of the feeling of eyes staring intensely at your figure. Getting anxious by every minute that passes by. You just wanted to get this over already. When you finally finished with your report. You were about to dash to your seat but toppled over when the 'bully' in your class stick his leg out causing you to trip harshly on the floor.

The sound of laughter came afterwards. Causing you to tightly close your eyes and covered your ears. 'No, no, no. Please make it stop'. You thought, feeling eyes everywhere burning holes in your form. You can't handle this anymore. Dashing to the exit you cried out of shame.

"Y/n!" Sundrop shouts worriedly. Following you, not caring the teacher's calls for his name to come back.

Searching the entire school. He still couldn't find you. He slapped himself for being stupid and ran outside to the places where the both of you usually meet up.

Running hopelessly, he panted holding both of his knees. Sweat running down his forehead because of all the running. Seeing a familiar h/c coloured hair hiding behind a sakura tree. His exhausted expression turned to one in hopeful.

"Y/n..." Getting startled, you look around only to see Sundrop behind you looking exhausted. "What happened to you?" chuckling at the question, he sat down beside you shrugging it off. "Don't know. Maybe because of all the finding Y/n thing" gasping at the statement, about to apologize but got cut off when he covers your mouth.

"No need to apologize." Grumbling you pouted causing him to laugh at your reaction.

When his laughs quiet down. His expression quickly turned into a worried one. "By the way. Are you hurt anywhere? Did you cry too much? God, I'm so stupid I should've been there I should've-" cutting him off mid sentence it was now your time to shut him up from his rambling. Smiling reassuringly, shaking your head telling him it was fine.

Sighing in defeat he looks at you. Fiddling with your fingertips a little mumbling why you shouldn't just run off like that and he'll be worried sick. Feeling your heart melt you look at Sundrop in adoration while the petals falls on the two of you.

Staring at each other without breaking eye contact. The two of you seem to be trapped in a daze. Not even realizing that you were leaning against each other. Feeling your breath tickling before meeting with his soft plump lips. The kiss was soft yet passionate. All the emotion and feelings that were kept hidden long enough, now crashing down to this one simple kiss. The two of you can't help but close your eyes in bliss. Holding each other closer.

Cupping his cheek the both of you wished to make this moment never end. But to your disappointment. Humans need oxygen. Pulling away. The both of you panted for air while staring at each with red faces and hearts in your eyes. Tucking a strand of hair behind your ear he cupped your cheek in an affectionate manner. Placing a kiss on your nose, giggling delightfully.

"Will you be mine?"

Staring at him in shock. Pursing your lips, turning into a smile.

"I would love too"

They say if you confess your love under a sakura tree. Partners would love each other... Forever

Starlight// Sundrop/Moondrop x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now