-Was It The Boogeyman-

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Human Moondrop and Sundrop


Another crime was reported, there has been a killing going on in different parts of the city and this only made your job more harder, being a police and all.

Knocking on the door, your co worker opens the door only to see your busy figure scanning through file to file.

"Yo Y/n, they need you to investigate another murder at Canao Street" sighing, you grabbed your coat and headed to the door. "Thanks, buy me coffee when I get back" patting his shoulder you start to head outside.


"Oh, officer Y/n glad you can make it" your friend greets you with a smile. "Yea nice to see you too. Now what happened"

Approaching the place of murder, the scene almost made you puke. A male was on the floor, his head smashed into pieces, a great amount of dry blood tainting the ground.

"Yep, it sure isn't pretty" your friend commented while the others investigate the place. "This killer is smart. He never leaves anything behind that may lead us to him but one thing is for sure... all of his victims are males" your friend explains still looking at the dead body.

Gulping, you just couldn't handle the gruesome scene. Looking away you tried your best not to puke, curse your weak stomach.

Letting out a shaky sigh, you jumped when someone suddenly touched your shoulder. "Oh, I didn't mean to scare you. Are you alright miss?" a random boy with yellow eyes and golden locks ask in concern. You find his appearance appealing and comforting for some reason but only brush the feeling away.

"Oh, detective I'm glad you're here" your friend greets the man excitedly. Nodding, the man starts to head to the crime scene, examining the body.

"Who is that?" your friend only gasp in shock while looking at you in disbelief as if you were crazy. "Are you serious right now? That's the legendary detective, Sundrop!" quirking your brow, she only facepalmed at your confused figure.

"Sundrop is a well known detective, he always solve cases in no time. Because of that he quickly became famous" she explains with sparkles in her eyes while you sweatdrop at her bubbly figure.

Turning towards the detective's direction you saw him looking at the body with a serious expression before talking to one of the investigators.

'Detective huh'

Deep in your own thoughts you didn't even notice that the detective was right in front of you until he waved a hand towards your face, calling you. "Uh miss are you alright?" snapping out of your day dream you were shocked to see the man slightly towering over you because of the height difference.

"I-I'm fine" you reassure him, laughing it off. Nodding he looks behind before back to you. "Why won't we grab a drink to get out of here?" he suggested in a calm tone. Pondering about it, you agreed. Smiling, he lead the way.


"Oh, gosh that's awful!"

The sound of laughter filled your table. You were able to get to know the detective, telling about his funny experiences and his life.

"Now, let's stop talking about me. Let's talk about you" tilting your head in thought while tapping your chin. "Nah my life is pretty boring and not even interesting. I grew up with a normal childhood and uhm good parents. Finished college and tada! I'm a cop" shrugging before sipping your coffee.

"But... I'm kind of getting paranoid because of the killings that are happening in the city" sighing, looking at the table. "Don't worry, we'll catch the one who is behind this for sure" surprised at his words, you felt a sense of safety and reassurance.

"Yeah... you're right"

It's been weeks since the two of you start to hang out with on another. You have to admit, it was fun having Sundrop around,he was smart and funny plus a charming personality.

Snapping out of your day dream, your friend approached you with a serious expression. "You have to see this"


"No! I didn't do any of this! Please spare me!" a man you haven't seen before begged, thrashing around trying his hardest to get the cop's grip off of him but no avail. "Shut up" the cop says before throwing the man in the car.

"I'm sorry that you have to see that Y/n dear" Sundrop reveals himself with a sorry expression.

"It's quite alright... Seems like the one who was behind the killings has been caught at last"  smiling in content he looks at you. "You do not have anything to worry about. Now how about we go on a date?" shocked at the sudden boldness, feeling your face getting hot.

"I... Sure" he beamed brightly, giving you a cheeky smile. "I'll be expecting you then" kissing the palm of your hand "M'lady"

(Time skip brought to you by Sundrop happily dressing up for the date)

Looking around in amazement, your eyes sparkled at the luxury that the fancy restaurant have.

"Oh my god. This is amazing" chuckling at your excited form he looks at the menu. "Glad you liked it"

Smiling happily, taking a look at the restaurant menu only made your jaw drop. 'T-This is too expensive!' you wheezed, shivering at the price.

"Is something wrong?" panicking, quickly composing yourself. "Y-yep totally!" confused at your sudden behaviour he looks back at the menu before getting the idea. "Too expensive?" knowing that lying wasn't an option you agreed in defeat.

Laughing, he winks. "Don't worry I'll take care of it" this made you panic even more, throwing your arms around. "No, you don't have to-" "Please I insist" he says sincerely, determination in his eyes. Gulping, you thought about it before nodding in defeat once again.



"I really enjoyed our uhm date" you tell him in a flustered manner. "Same with me. Sweet dreams dear" Sundrop says bidding his goodbye. Watching your figure enter your house, he finally left.

Walking to his residence he sighs tiredly, brushing his now white hair while looking at the ceiling with his bloodshot eyes.

"Right" he muttered before walking to the basement. Opening the lights, a man muffled a scream completely tied up into a chair.

"No one looks at my Y/n like that" 'Sundrop' says darkly, walking at the man's direction in a slow pace while holding an axe behind his back.

Thrashing around, the man cried trying to break free, while 'Sundrop' chuckles darkly at his pathetic attempt of escaping.

'Sundrop' pulls an axe at the man's face and say

"Was it the boogeyman?~"

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