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Warning: Crack head 


Working as an assistant of the Daycare attendant must be a dream come true to other people, especially those who are fond of children.

But unfortunately, you hate children. In your opinion they are the devils dressed up as a little child.

As much as you hate children, children loves you. You didn't know why or how, but it just happens. That also explains why they putted you in your job in the first place.

Groaning you stuffed your face in the palm of your hands, in a slouching position while swinging your legs back and forth.

"You're still here I see" Moon cackled, examining your exhausted form. Glaring at him, huffing before turning your body away from him. "You're not helping"

Smirking in response he scooted closer. "Why, is someone giving up already? Don't tell me that you're a quitter and a loser" he teases while you felt yourself get ticked off by his choice of words. "I just hate children they're the worst!" you burst out.

Humming in thought he continued, "Maybe you just suck" chuckling in response, giving him a sly smile. "Oh, you just have no idea that children loves me. And speak for yourself." you told him before rolling your eyes, hopping off from your sitting position you grinned. "I'll be off now. Tell sunny I'll see him tomorrow" with that, you waved off, heading to the exit calling it a day.


Singing and chanting while dancing to the beat. Cleaning the living room making sure that no dust was left. These are rare days where you actually love cleaning. You are a clean freak they said. That was quite true. You were just lazy so the house often looks like it has never been cleaned for years. But once you start to clean, the house will be all sparkly soon after. 

Wiping the sweat on your forehead. Looking around. Feeling satisfied and proud of your achievement when the room looks good as new. Taking a step back. You froze at the sound of glass shattering on the floor. Gulping, slowly turning around. There, you saw mom's expensive fine china shattered across the floor. As if anything can get any worse. Your younger sibling just stood there on the hallway looking at the vase before making eye contact.

Gulping. Cautiously approaching the child before lifting a finger to your lips telling him to stay quiet. They obviously didn't get the hint when he started to wail and shout for your mother. "MOOOOMMMM" panicking you ran towards his direction quickly shutting him up. Holding him close to you, his shouts were muffled by the palm of your hand. Feeling yourself getting pissed off by the second when he wasn't shutting up. 

Biting your hand. Hissing in pain quickly retracting it. "MOMMMM!!!" "You little-". "What is it honey?" you mom ask. Her head sticking out of the door way. Snitching, he pointed on the broken vase on the ground. Completely horrified. She sprinted to the direction of the broken vase in complete distraught. Smiling nervously, about to make a run for it but stopped when you heard your mom shout. "Who did THIS?!" she yells, completely pissed. And that's when you knew you messed up... big time.  

And with that your brother pointed to your form. 'Son of a bi-'. Yelping in pain, your mother starts to drag you to your room by the ear.

"You're in big trouble now young lady!"


"Wow you look like a zombie" Moondrop says before poking your side. Weakly glaring at him. You rubbed your eyes about to fall asleep. You work as the day care attendant's assistant that means you'll have to work for the night too since Moondrop and ol. And once you get back home in the morning your mother didn't even let you rest even just wink of sleep as your 'punishment' for breaking that vase the other week. So yes, its logical that you look like a walking corpse by now.

Groaning in frustration. Trying your hardest to keep your eyes open. "God, just sleep already idiot." Moondrop says facepalming at your stubborn self. "No". Ticked off he shoves your face in the pillow. 

"Sleep god dang it!"

"I don't want to!"

"Freaking sleep" 


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