-An Assassin's Job-

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Assassin reader x Moondrop/Sundrop

I'm doing human Sundrop on this one.

Requested by: CreamyNoodles1

Oops I hope ya'll like it cause this one is my favorite so far :000

Warning: Mentions of murder, Blood, Gore


Blood. Red liquid splatted everywhere, painting the fine wall followed by a loud scream but quickly died down earning a loud thud then... Silence. There, your figure stood in front of the man who's body's turning cold. Their head, separated from his body.

Removing your mask revealing your motionless face, eyes no remorse in any of them even just a tiny bit. Grabbing your phone from your coat before placing it beside you ear. After a few minutes of continues ringing it finally stopped giving a hint that they finally picked up.

"Did you kill him?" the voice from the other side asked.

"Yea I killed him alright. Now the deal" you said in a strict tone always straight to the point.

Earning a hum in response, you looked at your account to see that half a mil was added.

"This wasn't the deal. I said 1 million dollars" you growled, getting impatient.

"The deal was is you'll get your money and this is all I have to pay you. Now excuse me, I don't have any business with you anymore"

"Now listen here you-" getting cut off, you heard a long ring on the other line meaning that they already hang up. Feeling your veins about to pop, you slowly put the phone inside a small bag before dropping it on the ground smashing it onto pieces with one stomp. "How dare he... I'll make sure to break every bone in his body and watch him slowly die while I suck all the money out from his account" a dark aura surrounded you, a sudden thirst for blood to be spilled.

Hearing something shackle on the other side of the door followed by multiple knocks. "Sir, are you there?" a man knocked, seeming to be his bodyguard. "Sir?" grabbing your bag, you strut toward the balcony preparing to leave. "Sir, I have to order you to step back" jumping from the balcony, you professionally landed outside. And as in cue the door busted open followed by loud shouting. Time to take your leave. Getting on your motorbike, starting the engine before driving off, far away from the mansion.

Sighing, you came out of the bathroom completely refreshed after cleaning all the blood from your body. Only dressed in robes you were about to head to bed but stopped mid-tracks after you saw something in the corner of your eye.

Turning your head, you were faced with your own reflection. Carefully examining your form, intensely staring at your face who looked tired and wasted from all the work you did this week. Your face remained expressionless after touching it, eyes filled with no life left in it. In a blink of an eye you swore you saw yourself covered in blood while all your victim's that you have killed were standing behind you, glaring daggers. Panicked, you look behind you only to see no one. It was just you in your own bedroom. Staring back at the mirror expecting something but all you saw was just your reflection with a hint of stress in your expression.

'Maybe I shouldn't have overworked myself... I'm hallucinating again'

Turning away from the large mirror you lied down on your bed sighing after you felt it's comfimess. Fluttering your eyes closed. You let yourself fall deep into slumber, praying that in hopes you get a good dream instead of never ending nightmares.


Sitting by counter of your favorite cafe. In the corner of your eyes, you examined the workers who worked in the said place. Smiling at the customers while giving them their food. "Ma'am, your order" snapping out of your little trance you nodded murmuring a quick 'thanks' before paying them making sure to leave a tip and walk out of the place.

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