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Finally packing your bags without breaking a sweat, Sundrop clings onto your leg, whining and protesting about the trip. You were part of a successful industry, your boss assigned you to check out your companies from different countries all around the globe, eustatic and excited about the trip you started packing your bags in no time. But there was a tiny problem... Sundrop has separation issues.

Patting his head causing him to lean in into your touch, begging you not to go. Shaking your head, you crouched down before cupping his face with the palm of your hands. "I'm sorry but I have to, understand that it's my job. Please be patient and wait for me, can you do that?" grumbling, he thought for a moment, hesitating before giving in. Smiling you kiss his cheek, "Don't worry I'll be back before you know it" you reassured before getting ready to get to the airport.




Staring outside through the window of the plane, you stared sadly at the airport getting father and farther away as time passes. Shaking your head, you open your laptop and typed.

'Next stop Philippines, Manila'




Already outside of the airport, the hot sun ray hit your s/c skin causing you to sweat. 'It's Hot!' you thought fanning yourself. You quickly regretted not putting on sun screen or bringing an umbrella with you. Cursing inside your head, you ordered a taxi before diving off to your destination.

After a few minutes you got out of the car and quickly headed in the building. Panting, composing yourself before wiping the sweat forming on top of your forehead. Walking to the counter, clearing your throat.

"Hello, I would like to see the head of this company tell them that it's Y/n, Y/n L/n" you said with a smile on your face. Nodding the lady at the counter dialed a number telling them your name before putting it down. "Yes, you may proceed to the right, turn left and you will see an elevator not too far and go up to the top floor and that's where you'll see them" nodding in understanding you gave the lady a quick thanks before following her instructions.

You were normally bad at directions but luckily, you didn't get lost which was great and shocking!

Hearing the elevator ding, you couldn't contain your excitement anymore, sprinting and barged in your bestfriend's office.

Startled at the sudden noise from the entrance, she perked up. "Y/n! It's so good to see you" she says before tackling you into a hug. Chuckling, you returned the gesture.

"So how is Manila so far?" she asks. "Oh god, don't even tell me about the temperature in this place. It's blazing hot" she only burst out laughing at your comment while patting your back. "I told you!" wiping the tears in her eyes while you pouted.

"If foreigners want to visit the Philippines, they better visit the tourist spots and not... Manila" muttering the last part before shaking her head. "So want to grab coffee?"

"It's a hot day and you're drinking coffee?... Really?-"


Sighing tiredly, plopping yourself in the comfy bed. Deciding to stay in the hotel for the rest of the night.

Philippines wasn't that bad, the people were extremely nice.

Turning the laptop on you started to call Sunny to see what he was doing.

On call

"Hello honey how are you?" whining in response he grumbles. "I miss yoi already come home" chuckling at his cuteness, only shaking your head. "You know I can't do that, you have to be patient" pouting he huffs.

"I'm just afraid... that you'll leave and forget us... never coming back" shocked at his statement you frowned. "You know I'll never do that. I love you both too much for that to happen" you reassure while he looks at you, hopeful. "Really?" only nodding your head, smiling.

"It's getting late here. I better get some sleep. Goodnight honey" "Good night"

And with that you ended the call. Looking up at the ceiling you smiled.

'What country should I visit next?'


One question,

What country are you from?

Starlight// Sundrop/Moondrop x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now