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(Y/n) kept herself back. The grip of her parent's hands to her wrists kept her in place. Tears that attacked her widened eyes began to trickle down her aching cheeks. She couldn't bear the sight, or the intimidating sound of Robotnik's cackling voice any longer.

She could feel the tightened grasp of her father to her wrist weakening, however. Tom allowed a small smile to crawl across his otherwise devastated face as he noticed Sonic's rings sprawled across the darkened ground. An idea glistened in his mind just like how the rings would when activated, and that's exactly what the whole of Green Hills witnessed next.

"I don't have to tell you how many scientific breakthroughs have been made possible by animal testing. You're being very selfish." Robotnik chuckled while flicking switches and pressing buttons within his ship as a camera glared to Sonic, a smirk crossing the villainous doctor's face as everything was perfectly set up to finish the little hedgehog off for good.

(Y/n) heard the enticing glow of the ring as the illumination of irresistible gold reflected behind Robotnik. She smiled through her tears as her father leapt from the other side, neatly landing on the back of the ship without being noticed.

"Going my way?" Tom chuckled, making himself noticeable to Robotnik as he leant into the open area where he controlled the machine.

"What the-" Robotnik squeaked before being punched in the face by the Sheriff of Green Hills again.

The two of them battled it out within the ship, the violent collision echoing through the depths of the cold winds that swirled within the endless night.

"Get him, Dad!" (Y/n) screamed, keeping an eye on Sonic's motionless body but mainly observing the incredible fight.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" Robotnik snarled, gripping Tom by the shirt until another punch attacked his face.

"I'm the Donut Lord, you son of a-" Tom began, grasping the doctor by the back until being elbowed in the chest.

Robotnik swerved the machine to the side, sending Tom sliding down and crashing to the gravel ground. He curled up into a bundle of pain, almost matching that of Sonic's as his wife and daughter hurried to help.

"Dad!" (Y/n) cried, crouching beside Maddie as she checked him over while he kept screams of pain into quiet hisses.

"Autopilot, adjust." Robotnik shouted in almost a sense of achievement.

"Why? Why would you throw your life away for this thing? That's why I don't have friends. Next thing you know, you're somebody's best man..." Robotnik continued, (Y/n) glaring to him with glistening orbs of a flaming shade of (e/c) burning with hate.

He continued to ramble on, but she didn't listen. She refused to listen. She knew that by 'thing' he meant Sonic, and no words from her own mouth or mind could describe her fury. She could almost feel her body shaking as she remained crouched to the ground with a hand to her father's shoulder.

"Anyway, where were we? Oh, yes, you were about to die." The doctor that (Y/n) wished would die growled, ready to send lasers and missiles and who knows what else was stored in the compartments of the machine.

But a sudden bang broke the moment. Robotnik glared to the paving it came from, and so did everyone else.

It was Wade, holding a gun that had just allowed a bullet to sail into Robotnik's ship and leave a dent that the doctor didn't even think was possible.

"That's our Sheriff you're messing with." Wade smirked, keeping a finger to the gun to fire another if needed.

"And our Blue Devil? Who as everyone can see is a very real creature, and not at all invented by me!" Crazy Carl joined in from behind, surrounded by what now seemed to be every resident of Green Hills with a menacing growl of his chainsaw.

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