1) d i s a p p r o v e d

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Miles apart

"What did my fingers do
before they held him?
What did my heart do,
with its love?"

-Sylvia Plath -

part one
falling for him

chapter one
d i s a p p r o v e d

"Are you still with that.. boy?" Anthony Bardot leaned back on his chair, his gaze boring into Miles, who readjusted the collar of his button down shirt to hide his nervousness.

"His name is Ash." Miles told his dad for what felt like the millionth time. He wasn't sure why he still bothered with the name, knowing his dad had no intention to learn it.

Anthony let out an unsatisfied "hmph", his mouth set in a harsh line. Under his unrelenting stare Miles felt like a child again. Like a good-for-nothing excuse of a son, that he was always going to be in Anthony's eyes.

Miles wanted to shrink in his chair, or better yet, go hide under the table. He lowered his gaze and poked at the truffle butter marinated swordfish which was getting cold. The dish, ordered by his dad, combined three things Miles couldn't stand: fish, truffles and fine dining.

He didn't see the point of paying a fortune for a minuscule dish that left his stomach grumbling for more. He would rather have ordered a good old pizza, with extra cheese and toppings, from Ash's favorite pizzeria.

"There's an opening position in Bardot Madden Co." Miles wanted to roll his eyes when he heard those words, but he knew better not to do that in the company of his dad.

"I like working in Kerning." Miles told Anthony, earning an unsatisfied "hmph" from him. "It's something I really enjoy, and my colleagues are nice." Miles thought about Benjamin, Judith and Jeremy Preston and how it would kill him if he couldn't work with them anymore. That argument was rewarded by another "hmph", which seemed to be his dad's favorite word. "And the wage is good."

"It could be better." Anthony grumbled, but didn't push the topic. Even if he disliked his son earning his money by scribbling logos and other useless decorations, it did pay well.

To Anthony Bardot there was only one thing that mattered: good old money. No matter how much he already had, there could always be more. Digits after digits on the screen. Dollar after dollar, until he had nothing but money and everything you could get with it.

The rest of the dinner followed the same pattern. In just a couple of hours Miles had learned that his relationship was doomed, his work no good, his hair too long and his waistline getting flabby.

He left the Michelin restaurant a new gym membership card in his pocket and a fair deal of self-loathing on his shoulders. Miles hung his head when he slouched across the crowded streets. Seeing Anthony always left him drained and full of insecurities, and he couldn't wait to see Ash again.

Ash would tell him that, no, he wasn't getting fat. That their relationship wasn't doomed and that he wasn't going anywhere. That it was okay to build a career he actually enjoyed over the one that would give him a bigger salary and zero satisfaction. He would find the right words, just like he always did.

It was getting late and the lights of the city reflected from the puddles still left to dry after a shower of rain earlier that evening. Perfect Day, their favorite hangout and their friend Eli's sister's café, was closed for the day, but the lights were still on.

Through the glass walls Miles could see his best friend Benjamin, Eli, Prisca, Felix, Myra and Ash. They were laughing at something by one of the tables and sipping sodas or steaming cups of coffee. The familiar sight had never made Miles happier than it did then, filling his chest with warmth and hope.

He walked in and the bell over the door welcomed him in. The sudden noise made Eli flinch, but the others greeted Miles with big smiles.

Prisca stood up to get Miles a can of energy drink from the back room fridge and Ash got up to gently tug Miles from the collar of his shirt and plant a brief but soft kiss on his lips. Miles could feel a smile tucking up the corners of his mouth, when he took a seat next to Ash's and opened the drink Prisca brought him.

"Don't you look fancy." Eli grinned, leaning his elbows on the table while Felix, Prisca's son, mirrored his movements. The kid was Eli's nephew, who worshiped Eli and to whom Eli had been more like a myth during the five years Eli had spent apart from his family. Miles glanced down at his shirt, feeling overdressed in his current company.

"Did you have fun with your dad?" Benjamin asked, his sarcastic tone suggesting that he already knew how much fun Miles' dad was.

"Fun isn't the exact word I would use." Miles chuckled. He couldn't have been happier now that the classic music was changed to old rock'n'roll, the vintage wine to energy drink and the suits to worn leather jackets. This was where he belonged, and no amount of money could ever change his mind.

It wasn't always like that, not before Miles started working with Benjamin, Judith and Preston Miller. Not before Benjamin introduced him to Eli's group of friends. Not before Ash.


Posting this is so scary that my hands are shaking.. But I wasn't ready to say goodbye to Eli, Benjamin and the rest of the group just yet. Besides, I think Miles and Ash deserve more screen time. Let's just hope I don't f*ck this all up, I guess. :D

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