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"Whatever he says or does, don't pick a fight with him." Miles spoke in a hushed, serious voice. When Ash opened his mouth to protest, he continued: "It's what he wants, to get a reaction, and getting provoked by him just makes him think he's won."

Miles parked the car, biting his lower lip so hard it likely drew out blood. Neither of them had any idea why Anthony had invited them to a dinner out of nowhere, which only seemed to double Miles' disquietude.

Ash knew Miles wasn't giving him a slew of orders because he was worried Ash couldn't conduct himself, but because he was worried over what his dad was scheming. So, to keep Miles from any further distress, Ash agreed with everything he said and let him take the lead. Literally, as he had no idea where they were supposed to meet Miles' dad.

The building, which they entered from the tall sliding doors, didn't look like much from the outside. Only the expensive cars in its parking lot suggested that it wasn't just any restaurant. When they entered the lobby, Ash was starting to see why.

The elevator had see-through walls, giving them the most gorgeous view of the city as it kept climbing higher and higher. Ash had never seen anything like it and he couldn't keep himself from gasping, while looking around with wide eyes. Despite everything, it truly was a sight to see.

His delightment didn't last long.

In fact, it was gone the second his eyes landed on a familiar figure, who had his back turned on them and was yet to see them coming. Miles took one look at him, before halting to glance at their reflection from a mirrored wall by the elevators. His hand was shaking when he flattened his hair for the millionth time, but there was determination in his expression.

"You look good." Ash reassured him, wishing he could have felt the same way about himself. In reality, he had never felt more out of his element, than he did wearing a pair of light gray slacks and a white button-up shirt. Those were borrowed from Steven, because he was closer to Ash's height than Miles. At least Miles had let Ash keep his boots, as faded and worn out as they were.

"Yeah.." Miles let out a brittle laughter, and turned to straighten the collar of Ash’s shirt. "Are you ready?"

Ash nodded, even though he was so far from it. He let Miles guide him to the man, who turned around to face them and flashed them a shark-like grin.

The lack of hostility, or rather it being hidden under a mask of politeness, only managed to anger Ash more. It was his first time meeting Anthony, officially, but he had already seen behind that mask. The fact he could so easily hide what a piece of garbage he was, turned that anger to rage, but Ash bit his lip and swallowed it all back like Miles had begged him to do.

"Ash, hi." He held out his hand, even going as far as plastering a pleasant and very much fake smile on his lips.

"Anthony Bardot." The man said, with a slightly accented voice, and shook Ash's hand, his grip firm and confident. "And Ash, it's short for..?"

"Ashvaghosha." Ash didn't break eye contact, nor did he let his smile slip. The smile, despite being polite, served as a weapon, telling Anthony: "I'm onto you." But if Anthony could see its hidden meaning, he didn't let it show.

The dining hall with another breathtaking view of the city and a mouthwatering aroma of savory and sweet dishes alike was unlike any restaurant Ash had been to, but this time he didn't let his wonder show. He followed after Miles and Anthony to their table, keeping his face unfazed, like he visited places like that on a regular basis.

While Anthony ordered them a bottle of red wine, which likely cost more than what Ash made in a month, Ash couldn't stop wondering what the dinner invitation was all about. He and Miles weren't dating, so he wasn't there to meet his father-in-law. And, unlike Ash's mom, Anthony didn't seem like the kind of parent who asked their child's friends to visit them out of kindness and goodwill.

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