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I woke up with a head ache, well because of you know who, they need to teach me them hiding skills.

That chuckle tho-

I got out my phone and scrolled though tik tok , and saw  celebrities and stuff.  I got bored and went to my inbox, I saw like 10k messages ,i never knew I was this famous. I pressed the button and scrolled through all of then bc I'm a normal person.

I came across something that made my jaw drop. They where edits of me with the velocity thingy, so cool with the song I was never there  by the week3nd sped up obviously.

I looked at the video 5 more times and decided to comment

AlienEve: Thank you so much bruh, I feel famous lol🤭

Tojisbigtoe:Your welcome, and you are famous are you not? 🤍❤

I smiled, and switched off my phone.

I got out my bed and went to take a shower,because ain't nobody gonna catch me smelling like shiz.

I took off my clothes, but before that I switch on my shower so that there can be steam because I like it.

I folded my clothes respectfully, because I'm not a spoiled brat, i stepped into my shower and immediately relaxed, my tense nerves now cooled down.

I stayed in the shower for a little bit before I started washing my self.

I jumped slightly when I started feeling watched, like bro leave me alone and go bother someone else.

I heard my door open and I almost shat myself, they've never went this far.

Ok the watching I was used too but, coming into my house? Nah.

The fear hit me, maybe he or she wanted to kill me because of what I said last night.

I slightly wiped and steam off my shower glass when I saw I black figure with a hoodie and a smask covering most of their face.

"Hello, my darling Eve" the voice said, it sounded so much like Hoshin, and it sounded like he was trembling, wasnt he the one who broke into my house. Anyways I'd mistake him for this guy for real -thats not the point rn

"Why do you gotta come while I'm showering perv" I said as I showed my face thought the little hole I made, I made a 🙂 face and stared and the figure.

"But like, I know I'm hot but you ain't gotta go this far"  I said  trying to negotiate with him. The man figure softly chuckled. He really sounded familiar.

I made another one of those faces  and sighed and continued washing my self.

I wasn't going  to lie. It's absolutely terrifying knowing that someone is in your house, watch your every move and probably planing yo do something to you.

But wait, why the hell is he here, I'm not interesting at all, just some black girl living in town.

I knelt down to the little hole I made and asked.

"Wait and why are you here again and how the hell did you get in? " I asked, my voice coming out harshly as I tried to mask my fear.

He reached out to scratch the back of his neck  nervously."I-i " that's all he said until he ran out my house.

I sighed and continued bathing. Because no one got time to think about that.

I tried to reassure myself that this was normal.

I got out the shower a few minutes later finally finished.

I got to my room and wore my clothes and all . I went down stairs to eat. I got there and saw everything in place and my door closed.

I looked at the door in amusement, at least he knows how to  close the door. Wait everything is still intact wait what the fuck did he come here to do?

The feeling is still there ,but it has gotten intense I looked back and forth around my house starting to loose my mind

Why didn't I call the police yet, someone broke into my fucking house while I was showering and I was like meh.

what the hell is wrong with me,maybe I think I could handle him my self ,which I could maybe unless he has a gun.

Ok if it happens one more time. "I'll chase him until I catch his sneaky ass and beat the shit out of him " I said out loud knowing that his most probably listening somehow.

my phone rung and I quickly went to get it slightly forgetting about this whole dilemma. I answered my phone and it was vlad or hoshin. He didn't tell me what to call him.
Oh he did

"Hello?" I said slightly out of breath from running up the stairs, im really out of shape.

"If you pant like that your going to give me wrong idea's" his deep voice said. I felt my face heat up.

"Shut up" I said now breathing normally

I heard shuffling and panting, and I cringed at the thought of him, beating his meat or him think I'm doing the same. I shoved that thought out of my head once I heard him say

"Forgive me for my intrusive thought's, hello Eve I wanted to ask if your coming to the new anime event" he said.

It sounded quite interesting

"An anime event, mm I'll be thinking about it, but it's anime, of course I'm coming,wjo are you cosplayong?"  I asked, my words coming out a but jumbled.

He kept quiet for a while indicating that he was thinking.

"Im cosplaying as chrollo from hunter x hunter "  he said confidently as I hummed, chrollo suits him because they both have black hair "

"Cool,im cosplaying as Killua "  I said laughing a bit, for some reason, I'm just that weird.

"What's funny?"  he asked sounding a litte too interested in what I'm laughing at ,like bitch mind your own business.

"No,nothing , I just remembered something"  I said to him.

He hummed, his deep voice making me clench my thighs. There was no denying the sexual tension.

Feeling a little bit dry and bored of the convo, I yawned.

"Oh ,i need to go now and when is the event? "  I said.

"In a month, want to be my date? I mean companion?" he said tryng not to stutter,he was never good in English, I wonder what his home language is.

"Yeah sure, date companion either way, but why ask so early, it's a month away? "  I stated,looking out the window. It was a nice sunny day.

"Ticket's get sold out fast" he rushed out.

"But anyways I gotta go, might as well go shopping for the cosplay now-" I said.

"Can I join? " he quickly asked without stuttering or making a mistake.

"Please?" He said ask was kinda taken back when he cut me off again by saying please, as if he was desparate.

"Sure ,I guess" I said still shocked Vlad fucking Hoshin begged to come with me to a shop, a fucking shop.What a weird day.

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