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Come too close and you'll die and Oikawa

Come too close and you'll die
I need help
And a shoulder to cry on

*Oikawa is online*

Is everything ok?

Come too close and you'll die
I've been flirting with Daichi since first year now and he dosen't get the fucking hint

I'm so sorry
That sucks
I can relate
So I know it sucks ass :((
I'm so sorry
You two deserve to be together
Only if he would stop being so oblivious :((

Come too close and you'll die
Yeahhh :(((
Wanna go shopping???


Come too close and you'll die
2 pm
The mall



Sugawara looked at his watch, 1:30 pm. He grabbed his wallet and placed a cute bucket hat on his silver locks. It fitted him very well indeed and he knew Oikawa would intently fall in love with it. Hence why he was wearing it, to annoy his best friend when saying he couldn't have it.

Since his mom was out, he couldn't take the car so he made his way to the bus station. He put his wired headphones in and played some music while he waited for as long as what felt like 20 minutes. He hopped on the bus and 15 minutes later he was at the mall.

Oikawa was already waiting for him at the bus stop and as soon as he stepped off, he jumped into his best friend's arms to hug him.

"Kawa!" The silver haired male cried on his shoulder.

"Suga!" Oikawa answerd, hugging him back before putting him down back to the ground.

"Gosh I missed you," Aoba johsai's captain breathed out.

"I know and I missed you too!!" Sugawara answered before jumping in the air and waving his arms around like a crazy person.

Oikawa shook his head and sighed, laughing a bit to show his best friend that he wasn't mad, but he actually found it funny.

"Let's go now shall we?" Oikawa smiled at his best friend.

In response, Sugawara burst out laughing and placed his hand on Oikawa's shoulder. "You-" he choked on his laughter, "you need to stop being so formal!"

Oikawa joined in on the laughter as they started walking through stores. People looked at them funny but they didn't care enough to stop. Though at one point it died down and they were acting normally again.

"You know Suga, you shouldn't stress about your captain. He totally likes you back."

Sugawara shrugged. "I've been flirting with him for… so long.."

Oikawa shrugged as well. "BUT HEY YOU SAID YOU RELATED TO ME!" Sugawara exclaimed.


"Well! At least now you know you're not the only one.."


Oikawa passed an arm around Sugawara's shoulder and pulled him in for a hug. "Let's go get food shall we?"


[OK BITCHES IM BACK. SCHOOL'S DONE, SUMMER BREAK IS HERE AND FANFICS IT ISSSSSSSS but also I got a job and I'm traveling a lot so I might not be able to update a lot but I'll update more then when I was in school]

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