My rant on the whole "sexualizing minors" shit

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you don't have to read this
And this is not well written because I did this in a rush and while I'm like super fucking mad so yeah there will be a lot of mistakes in this
Warning: swears and talks about sexual stuff. And a big fat fucking rant.

And before you comment stuff, read this til the end please
Any hate or bullying will be deleted
If you don't agree with what I'm saying then like you don't have to say anything

Okay first of all I hate how it's always "I don't want to sexualize minors!" "Please don't sexualize minors!" "Sexualizing minors is bad and we have to stop doing it!"


and let me explain why

There's a difference between writing sexual content on 16 years olds and 12 year olds

12 year olds having sex is honestly weird, their bodies haven't changed yet and so it would be unlikely for them to even want to have sex

BUT 16 YEARS OLDS??? they went through puberty and it's FUCKING NORMAL for them to want to do it

It's normal for them to want to do it because their bodies changed in that kind of way and it's NOT ILLIGAL!!!!

The age of consent isn't like "omg you're not *age of consent in your country, it's 16 in mine* it's illigal to have sex before that, NO! ITS ILLIGAL FOR THEM TO DO IT WITH SOMEONE THATS A CERTAIN AGE OLDER THEN THEM.

in my country, the age of consent is 16
And it's not because you're under 16 that if you have sex you'll get arrested and go to jail or whatever.

How it works here is if you're under 16:

A 14 or 15 can give their concent to someone who is 5 years older then them max

And a 12 or 13 year olds can give their concent to someone who is 2 years older then them max

That's how concent fucking works

And I agree with people that people 12-13 are not so likely to want to do this kind of stuff, but still

And honestly this is why I think the whole "sexualizing minors" is bull shit

They don't have to wait until they are 18 to have sex
It's literally fucking normal for them to want to do it before they turn 18, I mean their bodies change way before that. It's normal for a 15-16 year old to want to do this kind of stuff AND ITS OKAY TO WRITE ABOUT IT

It is fucked up to write about like 11 years old doing it though because their bodies haven't changed that way yet

It's not illigal to have sex before 18, what's illigal is THE FUCKING AGE GAP

If a 15 year old sleeps with a 40 year old, it's illigal because the 40 year old most likely has power over the 15 year old and the 15 year old isn't at the age of consent yet

Am I saying that when they turn the age of consent (16 where I am) they should go off and sleep with a 59 years old? No! If you want and it's concentual and the older one isn't using their power for it, then okay go off, will I find it a little disgusting? Yes! Will I automatically think the older one is a pedo? Yes! But it's legal now.

It's not legal if is older is in a position of authority (ex: a teacher, coach, etc..)

But minors having sex is NORMAL AND OKAY

And it makes me so fucking mad to always see like somewhat nsfw Fanart or smut and there's always a comment like "omg stop sexualizing minors it's wrong"

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