I- Jane is going to murder everyone

495 6 13

[3:35pm Monday]

[HeChoppedMyHeadOff added TheGoldOne, Mother, QueenOfTheCastle, KittyHoward and SleepIsForTheWeak to the group chat]

[HeChoppedMyHeadOff changed the group chat name to Let The Chaos Commence]

TheGoldOne: Anne what have you done this time?

HeChoppedMyHeadOff: i created a group chat...?

TheGoldOne: I swear you've done something else... you're always up to something bad.

HeChoppedMyHeadOff: so what? u love it

KittyHoward: leave that to the private chat plz

TheGoldOne: As long as you make sure not to sext Anna on this chat unlike last time...


SleepIsForTheWeak: What the hell have I woken up to....?

HeChoppedMyHeadOff: its half 3 in the afternoon cathy.. why are you sleeping

TheGoldOne: If you guys have woken up Cathy from ACTUALLY sleeping, I don't think the time is what you need to be worried about....

Mother: Why can you not let Cathy sleep the one time I actually manage to get her to sleep!? It took me almost 4 hours!

HeChoppedMyHeadOff: Oh shi- yeh..

Mother: Language Anne!

HeChoppedMyHeadOff: english..

TheGoldOne: I wouldn't do it Anne...

HeChoppedMyHeadOff: ou si vous préférez, je pourrais changer en français?

QueenOfTheCastle: welp annes dead

KittyHoward: rip anne i will miss u

Mother: Ne me tente pas, Boleyn...

TheGoldOne: We'll start planning your funeral babe 😔

HeChoppedMyHeadOff: Sorry mère..

Mother: Now leave Cathy to sleep.

Mother: And while I'm here, why is no one using proper grammar?

KittyHoward: bc thats effort

Mother: How can anyone understand you guys?

QueenOfTheCastle: its called texting lingo Jane..

SleepIsForTheWeak: I can kinda understand? I guess..

HeChoppedMyHeadOff: thats bc you have to reread your writing after writing on the 9 millionth cup of coffee and zero hours of sleep for the last 5 days

SleepIsForTheWeak: I mean... Fair.. But still rude

Mother: Cathy, go back to sleep..

SleepIsForTheWeak: Read my username and think again darling

KittyHoward: i think janes going to explode..

QueenOfTheCastle: i can see the veins in her forehead..

KittyHoward: shes like a time bomb.. will explode any second..

QueenOfTheCastle: its terrifying but also kind of fascinating

KittyHoward: i wanna stay and see what happens

QueenOfTheCastle: but then again i dont want to be a victim of jane seymour

TheGoldOne: Well done Anne, not even an hour into this groupchat and you've driven Jane to the verge of snapping

HeChoppedMyHeadOff: WELL if CATHY didn't refuse to go to sleep all the time we wouldnt be in this situation

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