IV- Kitty is a baby

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[Wednesday 2:43pm]

[On the Let The Chaos Commence group chat]

KittyHoward: anyone wanna go to the cinema?

Mother: For what movie?

KittyHoward: The new Fantastic Beasts movie

Mother: That's too inappropriate for you Katherine.

KittyHoward: It's a 12A? I'm 20!

Mother: You're a baby so no.

Mother: And don't even think about asking Anne.

KittyHoward: MÈRE IM 20 IM AN ADULT

QueenOfTheCastle: why are we yelling

KittyHoward: jane won't let me go to see the new fantastic beasts movie

QueenOfTheCastle: makes sense, that movie is too inappropriate for you

KittyHoward: but I've watched the other harry potter films and they're 15+

Mother: You did WHAT?!

TheGoldOne: Kitty what have we said about making things age appropriate for you 🤦🏾‍♀️

KittyHoward: you guys aren't my parents! And I'm not a kid

SleepIsForTheWeak: I think you are Kit

KittyHoward: Ugh I'm going without anyone.

QueenOfTheCastle: oh my gosh we angered her into using proper grammar!

HeChoppedMyHeadOff: im going with her

KittyHoward: no ur not

HeChoppedMyHeadOff: u need a responsible adult with you

TheGoldOne: Anne? You? A responsible adult?

KittyHoward: AHHH DEAD

SleepIsForTheWeak: 'Anne' and 'responsible' should never be in the same sentence

QueenOfTheCastle: but what about 'Anne is not responsible'

SleepIsForTheWeak: that's an exception.

KittyHoward: anna's got big brains

HeChoppedMyHeadOff: and seemingly a big something else too considering what I was hearing last night

KittyHoward: ANNE

QueenOfTheCastle: hell yeah

KittyHoward: that is not cool

HeChoppedMyHeadOff: neither is hearing you getting railed when I'm trying to sleep but here we are

TheGoldOne: wait- Anna and Kitty did WHAT?

SleepIsForTheWeak: you didn't hear it?

HeChoppedMyHeadOff: Catalina sleeps like a log

SleepIsForTheWeak: so does Jane....

HeChoppedMyHeadOff: ANOTHER ONE FOR THE HOPELESS CLUB- hopeless and sleeps like a log

TheGoldOne: y'all better hide this before Jane sees it, or God save us all

KittyHoward: anyone curious as to what cathy was talking about leaking if anne called her northern lassie again?

QueenOfTheCastle: OMG I thought I was the only one

SleepIsForTheWeak: nah that's Jane

QueenOfTheCastle: wot

SleepIsForTheWeak: OH

SleepIsForTheWeak: this is what 0 hours of sleep for days does to you children

TheGoldOne: you're literally younger than most of us.

SleepIsForTheWeak: I was talking to Anna and Kitty, neither of which are older than me so shush

QueenOfTheCastle: ANYWAY back to the main point, what is it that cathy has against anne

SleepIsForTheWeak: it's tempting to share....

HeChoppedMyHeadOff: DONT YOU DARE

KittyHoward: not even a hint?

SleepIsForTheWeak: it will ruin her 😊

TheGoldOne: that sounds oddly threatening with the emoji-

Mother: What in the world are you guys talking about?

KittyHoward: whatever secret of anne's that cathy knows about

Mother: That's up to Anne if she wants Cathy to share.

HeChoppedMyHeadOff: thank you merè

KittyHoward: seriously jane?!?!?

QueenOfTheCastle: you can't let her drop something like that and then get away with not telling us!!!!

KittyHoward: this is cruelty!

SleepIsForTheWeak: so was what Anne and I had to listen to ALL NIGHT

KittyHoward: lay off parr

Mother: What did you have to listen to all night...?

QueenOfTheCastle: disney songs

KittyHoward: yep, definitely Disney songs

SleepIsForTheWeak: that is the dumbest cover up I have ever seen

KittyHoward: anyway, movie's about to start, bye!

Mother: What were they doing?

TheGoldOne: The devils tango

SleepIsForTheWeak: Horizontal refreshment

HeChoppedMyHeadOff: Planting the parsnips

TheGoldOne: A bit of the old in and out

SleepIsForTheWeak: Cleaning cobwebs in the old womb room

HeChoppedMyHeadOff: Christening the yak

TheGoldOne: Doing the no pants dance

SleepIsForTheWeak: Slytherin the Hufflepuff

HeChoppedMyHeadOff: wetting the Willy

Mother: What?

SleepIsForTheWeak: your adopted daughter was shagging Anna, Jane

HeChoppedMyHeadOff: well Anna was shagging her...

QueenOfTheCastle: dude-

SleepIsForTheWeak: I'm glad I locked my door this morning

TheGoldOne: Anne and Cathy heard you both- it wasn't like it was gonna be a secret for long

QueenOfTheCastle: bruh.

HeChoppedMyHeadOff: love you too annnaaaa



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