V- Cathy is cool for once

169 6 18

[Thursday 10:17am]

[On the Let The Chaos Commence groupchat]

SleepIsForTheWeak: *sent video of Anne dancing on the sofa to Disney songs*

KittyHoward: oh my gosh

QueenOfTheCastle: yasss slay anne 💅💅

TheGoldOne: My girlfriend, everyone 🙄

KittyHoward: lina tell jane to finish up shopping so we can go home and see this in person

TheGoldOne: I'm not your slave go do it yourself

KittyHoward: you're supposed to be with her, I'm with anna

TheGoldOne: I don't care

SleepIsForTheWeak: this is incredible guys, I swear you need to get home

QueenOfTheCastle: Jane is taking forever in the shops as usual!

TheGoldOne: maybe if you helped us out it would take less time

KittyHoward: that's boring

QueenOfTheCastle: let's just take a taxi kitty

KittyHoward: ooo yeh good idea

SleepIsForTheWeak: you guys better be quick, I think she's starting to get tired

QueenOfTheCastle: we're on our way!

TheGoldOne: you guys are officially the strangest

KittyHoward: no. what is strange tho, is that u don't want to seize this opportunity to ridicule anne

SleepIsForTheWeak: yeh that is weird Madrina.

TheGoldOne: whatever.

QueenOfTheCastle: this bloody taxi is taking 83959299592949295929592 years

KittyHoward: make sure she doesn't stop i need to see this myself

SleepIsForTheWeak: I'll see what I can do.

Mother: Why is there a video of Anne dancing on the sofa? What have I said about standing on the sofas?!

SleepIsForTheWeak: it's funny

Mother: get her off. Remember what happened last time?

KittyHoward: that's even more funny

TheGoldOne: oh please don't make me remember that

SleepIsForTheWeak: it was so funny tho lina

Mother: Cathy, stop her please!

SleepIsForTheWeak: No, non lo farò perché è esilarante e ho bisogno di più a caso su Anne

Mother: what on earth does that mean?

SleepIsForTheWeek: no, I will not have my friend hurting themselves because I very much care about Anne.

KittyHoward: that is not what it means....


KittyHoward: has no one here heard of GOOGLE TRANSLATE?!

TheGoldOne: on the topic of Italian, how in the world do you speak Italian? What other languages do you know?

SleepIsForTheWeek: English

QueenOfTheCastle: obvious

SleepIsForTheWeek: Italian

KittyHoward: again obvious

SleepIsForTheWeek: Latin

QueenOfTheCastle: dang

SleepIsForTheWeak: Greek

KittyHoward: woahhh

SleepIsForTheWeak: Spanish

TheGoldOne: fuck

SleepIsForTheWeak: and French

HeChoppedMyHeadOff: double fuck

SleepIsForTheWeek: so Six


HeChoppedMyHeadOff: multiple in Cathy's case apparently

TheGoldOne: she understands everything... I'm concerned

SleepIsForTheWeek: yes I did understand everything you both said in your lovely midnight session when I was ACTUALLY TRYING TO SLEEP and I am scarred

QueenOfTheCastle: how are you able to speak 6 languages?! How is that possible

SleepIsForTheWeak: a mixture of dick father-in-laws, money, tutors and a shit ton of spare time

SleepIsForTheWeak: wait.

SleepIsForTheWeak: Anne's not in the lounge anymore, where did she go?

QueenOfTheCastle: you're the only one at home genius go find out

SleepIsForTheWeak: that's it I'm learning German

QueenOfTheCastle: scheiße

KittyHoward: no one is safe now

SleepIsForTheWeak: Ja, Anna. In der Tat „scheiße". Seih zu, ich melde dich Jane nicht wegen deiner obszönen Sprachen.

KittyHoward: how in the world did you learn that so fast?!????

SleepIsForTheWeak: gOoGlE tRaNsLaTe

KittyHoward: screw you catherine parr

HeChoppedMyHeadOff: mother's already on that job Kit

SleepIsForTheWeak: 🤦🏽‍♀️

SleepIsForTheWeak: I hate you all


Mother: What have you guys done this time?

TheGoldOne: just scroll up

KittyHoward: or dont

TheGoldOne: she is. You guys are so done

QueenOfTheCastle: lord knows why jane hasn't managed to kill one of us yet

KittyHoward: or burst a blood vessel

SleepIsForTheWeak: and I think it's about to get a whole lot worse for Jane 🫣

KittyHoward: what happened

SleepIsForTheWeak: *sent photo of Anne covered in flour in a messy kitchen, with the pan on the hob on fire*

TheGoldOne: yeah I'm taking Jane's phone away, it better be cleared before we get back

SleepIsForTheWeak: on it

QueenOfTheCastle: ill make kat help for being a little scheiße to you cathyyyy

SleepIsForTheWeak: still learning German. Don't try and be a suck up

QueenOfTheCastle: damn it

SleepIsForTheWeak: 💙

KittyHoward: can you teach me also Cathy??????

SleepIsForTheWeak: sure kid

QueenOfTheCastle: I hate you both


HeChoppedMyHeadOff: I'm watching you Cleves.

QueenOfTheCastle: that's a bit creepy

SleepIsForTheWeak: we can see you getting out the taxi from the window Anna

QueenOfTheCastle: oh

KittyHoward: where's that big brain gone babes?

QueenOfTheCastle: shut it :(

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