mornings with him-5

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I woke up to someone kissing my lips and all over my face, and that someone being none other than coop

"sTaaWwppP" i said making it sound like some gibberish shit

"come on baabby wake up, it's like 12 a.m" he cooed while hovering over me

" so?leave me the fuck alone, besides i have a day off school" i remarked back dragging the school because he was still being annoying and loud as fuck on top me

"nope come on, get your cute little ass up"

"stop it" i replied him trying to sound stern

"no, can't do that" he joked continuing to kiss my face

"i swear to god cooper"i lightly shouted but he just kept doing his thing while giggling

i got fed up so i pushed him off me, "why you do that shit?"

"because you're being annoying as hell the fuck" you responded going back to cuddle more in you guy's blankets

"what?, bro you don't make sense being annoying only because am tryna get to see my beautiful's girl's face?" he blurted out faking and offended voice

you jokingly retorted saying "yes you asshole"

"oh fuck off" he said between his light chuckle while laying his head on your boobs

you looked down at him smiling and he returned the gusture and kissed your lips, but once again you pushed him away lol

"let me kiss you real quick baby"

"no come on let's get up, you ruin in my sleep anyways" you commented

after you two did your morning routines and got ready for the day, you went down for breakfast

"what do want for breakfast amore??" you asked him while he was getting something out of the fridge

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"what do want for breakfast amore??" you asked him while he was getting something out of the fridge

"don't know, maybe some cocopops and fruit salad"

"okey, i will start making you your friut salad" you replied kissing his cheeks leaving him blushing

"we've been dating for years now and you still blush with my little love gestures?" you affirmed with a light smirk

" shut the fuck up" he replied back while walking towards you and hugging you

"i kiss love kiss you" i whisperd between the kisses i was giving him while tugging on his hair

" i love you more mommy" he responded making me have butterflies in my stomach because of his pet name for me

"you know, mornings with you are my favourite things" i spat out while making his fruit salad


"no kidding", i affirmed and gaved him his breakfast...

And you guys spent the rest of the day watching youtube videos and spending time with eachother since you're both are always busy

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