My sunshine has dissipated and gone
My day has ended
My terror begun
I deserve the pain brought on to me
Happiness is no longer my friend
I smile to see others happy
Whilst my own smile
Warm and joyful as it seems
Is as crooked and distorted as my tears
Joyful tiding see no friend in me
I don't deserve to live
My family my seven sins
I don't deserve the love
Those who care about me give
I seek out the pain the hardship of my soul
And find this is my comfort and my shield
Poetry - A collection of my finest poems
PuisiPlease I really want to become a published author so if you read leave a comment plz plz plz plz plz... and share it with any friend you think might enjoy it or reminds you of... Thanks once again for reading and remember if you like em why not fan...