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The secret forest
Aurelia woke up next to the beautiful Prince as she moved a piece of his blonde hair behind his ear. How did she ever get to this moment? She used to hate the Prince with all she had. Now she was courting with him laying naked on the cave floor.

Legolas eyes fluttered open as he spotted the blue eyed girl staring at his features. He kissed her forehead as she closed her eyes again. Just like every man dreaded to do was to get up having to ruin the beautiful moment. He sat up and she followed before sliding on her clothes. She stood up and picked her weapons up.

Legolas wrapped his hand around her waist as she slid her book in her pocket. He pulled her to his chest as her back rested against his warm chest. He brought his lips down to her ear planting a kiss on the tip making her shiver.

"I love you, dilthen tinu(little star)" he whispered.

"I love you Blondie," she said back.

They two pulled away as he grabbed her hand in his. They walked out of the cave and down the trail. They said nothing as the admired the beauty along with the thought of the cave on their mind. Legolas brought her hand to his lips planting a small kiss on it.

They had now entered the castle seeing the King talk with one of their servants. He looked over seeing Legolas hand captured in Aurelia hand. He dismissed the servants and walked over to them. Legolas protectively stepped forward so Aurelia was more behind him.

"Ada(father)," Legolas said as his father gave him a slight smile.

"I have been looking for you two," he said with a serious face expression now. "Come with me to my studies," he said before turning and walking away.

She looked over at Legolas before he nodded towards the direction. They followed the King down the halls to his studies before stepping into the room. Aurelia eyes darted to the wine as Thranduil was already pouring himself a glass. He had already learned the girl well enough she loved to drink. He handed her a cup and she gladly took it.

"I have been talking with lady Galadriel," he said as he took a sip from his wine.

"About what?" Legolas asked.

"That it is time for Aurelia to reclaim her throne," he said making Aurelia freeze. Legolas glanced at her worried blue eyes as she looked at the king.

"But it would take years to rebuild the starlight kingdom and their are no more starlight people," she said in a rush.

"There are elves who have escaped from the fires of the humans," he explained. "The kingdom did not fall from the damage of the fire Aurelia," he stated as he confused both Legolas and her.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"The heart od the star was taken by the early rulers of the Dolen glad arnad," (secret forest kingdom) he explained.

"The one Fleur was talking about?" Legolas asked.

"Yes, it has been told that Queen Emma of the forest, mother, the early queen was the one who had taken the star," he explained.

"Does that explain why the nature speaks to them?" Aurelia asked.

"No, the queen and the nature are friends and have became Allis, it is quite weird to explain," he said drinking his wine.

"Then why did they take the star heart?" Legolas asked.

"The heart can heal anybody and anything, but it only works for that person once unless you are the Queen or King of the Starlight," he explained taking a seat. "The Queen was losing her baby, Emma, so she sent people out to take the star causing your kingdom to turn to dust, however when the heart is not used by the Queen or King of the Starlight, it will cause darkness," he stated. "The Queen went mad after giving birth to her daughter. She was power hungry and killed everyone in her way. The people took the Queen and hung her saying her daughter will be a better Queen," he explained. "Emma is only eighteen years old," he paused. "She is a dúnedain plus the heart has healed her so it will cause her to live longer," he stated.

Legolas looked over at Aurelia who was trying to stay calm. She was not fit to be a ruler nor was she fit to be ruled. She had no Queen training what so ever in her. She took a deep breath gulping down the rest of her wine.

"How will we get the star heart?" She asked.

"Queen Emma has been known to be friendly and kind also willing to help. She does not want to end up like her mother so she has hidden the heart deep into the castle guarded by poisonous thorns," he explained.

"King Thranduil I am not fit to be a ruler. I have never been taught to be a Queen," she explained sitting her cup down next to the wine.

"That is why you will simple learn to become one," he said making her mouth gap.

Legolas almost laughed at the thought of her being forced into dresses and fine dinning. He could not help but think of how screwed the kingdom will be with her in charge. However he felt worse for the people training her.

"Who will be training her to be one?" Legolas asked his father. A sneaky smirk appeared on his father face.

"You, Legolas," he said making Legolas freeze.

"Oh, trust me we will not be training to become a Queen," she mumbled making Legolas turn red and his father tilted his head.

"I do not even want to ask," the King said rubbing his forehead. "You two are dismissed," he said.

The two walked from the room and she grinned at Legolas. She knew she just embarrassed him big time as he still was red. She opened her bedroom door and pulled him into her room as they were chest to chest.

"Round two?" She smirked. Legolas embarrassment went away as he looked down at the beautiful girl.

"If you can keep up," he said with a huge smirk.

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