One more day in love

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Harry awoke the next morning and saw Draco not lying next to him, but a box from Selfridges "What the fuck?" He sat up, pulling the box in his lap, opening it and saw Dior Sauvage and a bouquet of pink and white roses. Tears came to his eyes and got out of bed, walking downstairs, holding back tears. Draco felt arms around his waist "Good morning." "Good morning." "Did you get what I ordered?" "I did and I loved it, thank you so much." "It's okay." Draco leaned his head on Harry's chest, "What time were you up?" "6. I couldn't get back off to sleep, so I just laid there for two hours, eyes sore and stinging." Harry brought him over to the sofa "You must be sleepy." "I am sleepy." Harry sat down, bringing Draco's head into his lap, playing his hair as he went back off to sleep.

A few hours later, Draco's eyes opened, vision blurry, but eyes only half open "Hey, are you okay?" Harry gently took his face in his hands, "Slowly open them for me." He slowly blinked his eyes open and looked up at Harry "That's it, just keep looking at me, and tell me what's wrong." "It's stupid, Harry.. It's stupid." His voice shook "If it upsets you, babe, then it's not stupid. Not to me." He smiled softly and he cried all the more harder at his words "I've read a lot of hate recently and I can't ignore it anymore.. they all say the same thing! And I can't help but realise that they are all right, what they're saying. So I thought I would make some changes, I tried to ignore the feeling of my anxiety, but it hurts. It hurts so much when I can't wake up most mornings. I'm weak, Harry." He was cut off by a pair of lips crushing his own. Draco squeezed his eyes shut, not caring anymore about his anxiety.

Harry pressed his forehead to the blonde's, and they stared deep into each other's eyes. Draco's vision swam with tears "We'll get through this together, I promise you that." He murmured "There's not much I can really do, but me, your sister, and our parents, we're all here to help. Talk to us. Talk to me. Let us help you." Harry sniffled and he nodded, feeling hits of tears splash onto his lap "And I've told you a thousand times, and I'll happily tell you a thousand more.. There's nothing wrong with you. You're completely normal in my eyes and in our families' eyes. We love you for you.. I love you for you, even though your little tricks that you may have up your sleeve." He laughed, smiling up at his boyfriend. Their lips connected again, before Harry pulled him in tight for a hug. Draco buried his face in his top, breathing in the scent of his boyfriend. He always smelt of home and comfort.

An hour later, Draco was sitting in his bedroom, painting on a canvas to help settle himself down. Harry came in "Hey beautiful." "Hey." He put his paintbrush in his pot, resting his painting by the window "What did you paint?" "One of our kisses." "Sweet, what one?" "Yesterday's in the garden." "Cute." "Yeah, can you go in the kitchen and there's a box of hayfever tablets, can you get me one and a glass of water?" "Of course, go and blow your nose, your congested." He nodded, going over to his bedside table, grabbing a tissue, blowing his nose.

Harry came back in 5 minutes later with the tablet and water and before he took it he started sneezing, three times in a row followed by a groan, voice congested "Harry?" "Yeah baby?" "Can you lay with me?" "Of course, let's get these down you first." He sat up, taking the pill with water. He handed the glass back to him, and Harry couldn't tell if he was crying or if it was just his eyes watering. It may have been a bit of both. He coughed harshly, breathing deeply, then followed up with another trio of sneezes "If you want to sleep, just sleep babe, I'll stay right here." Harry whispered, feeling him rest his hand on his stomach "Okay." He murmured, and Harry could tell he was already on his way. Barely a minute later, his breathing evened out, broken up by the sniffling in his sleep "I love you, gorgeous." He whispered, smiling when Draco snuggled even further into him. Even with Hay Fever he was adorable.

It was hours later when Narcissa came home from work. She walked upstairs and saw both boys fast asleep but the blonde was sniffling a slight bit as Harry started to wake "How was work?" "Tiring, how has been?" "Alright, Hay fever's been playing up a bit." "The poor thing. Did you give him some medicine?" "I did, it made him drowsy though. He's been asleep since 12 and it's now four." "Just let him sleep." "I will." Draco moved and sneezed. Harry handed him a tissue to wipe his nose. Draco sat up, wiping his nose. He sat up next to Harry, lying his head in his lap "Want to sit outside for a bit?" "My Hayfever will play up." "We can bring a packet of tissues out with us." "Sure." The blonde got up, getting dressed in a pair of black shorts, fishnet tights and a white long sleeved top. He walked downstairs to the garden where Harry was with his speaker and a bowl with truths or dares "What's this for?" "Some of our friends are on their way over." "That's fine. Which friends?" "Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Pansy, Seamus, Dean, Fred, George, and Astoria." "Okay, aren't Pansy and Astoria together?" "They are. So are Ginny and Luna."

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