You were good to me

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Draco awoke the next morning, Harry not curled up behind him. He sat up and looked around to him not anywhere. He got out of bed, walking downstairs "Mum, where is he?" "Gone home." Draco ran upstairs, getting dressed, walking back downstairs, leaving the house. He got to Harry's a few minutes later, knocking where Regulus opened it "Draco?" "Is Harry here?" "He's in his room, he called me because he didn't feel well." "Can I see him?" "Go on, my dear." Draco walked in, walking upstairs, opening Harry's door where he heard retching coming from the bathroom. He walked into the bathroom, placing a hand on his back "B-Babe?" "Hey." He sat behind him, rubbing his back "Don't talk, just do what you got to do." 

Draco kept rubbing his back as he slumped back down beside him. The younger male held under his arms as he shifted in his arms, pushing his bum further back into Draco's body. Draco smiled, pressing a kiss to his head as he nosed his lover's hair "How about we get you in bed and I'll come over to check on you in a bit." "S-Stay." "I've got stuff to do, baby." "Like what?" "Cleaning while mum's at work, she was just about to leave when I was on my way over." "Okay." Harry turned, lying his head in Draco's lap. Draco played with his hair as he looked up at him "I'll have to watch Crimson Peak without you," "It's okay, you can watch it, it's not my sort of thing." "What is your sort of thing?" "Arcane or Heartstopper." "How many times have you watched Heartstopper?" "Don't laugh." "I'm not, is it more than twice?" He nodded, and gave him 3 fingers "3 times?!" Draco giggled, burying his face in Harry's hair.

Harry got up, flushing the toilet, walking back to bed, sitting on his side. Draco came over, taking off his shoes and belt to be comfortable, lying down next to Harry who opened his arms. Draco cuddled into his side. Harry ran his hand through Draco's long hair, trailing gentle fingers along his jawline "I love you." He murmured and Draco cuddled deeper into his side. Harry could say those words in every moment he found the chance to, and it made Draco blush every time "How did you figure out your sexuality?" "When I was four, my godparents, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin got married, and I was sitting with my parents who were being all cute, and that was when I realised I was bi, but when I had my first kiss at 13, I realised it wasn't bisexuality, I realised I was gay." He explained "What age did you come out?" "14. You?" "16." They both looked at each other and started blushing.

A few hours later, Harry was feeling better and was on his way to meet Draco in Oxford Street. He saw someone in a leather jacket with studs and walked over, messaging him with a quick 'Look behind you,' Draco got the message and turned around with a smile, walking over "Hey." "Hey you, was the train alright?" "Yeah, Had to get two bloody trains, one to West Ham and a Jubilee train to Bond Street." "Same." The two walked down the street together, hand in hand until they got to Chinatown "Here?" "Sure." The two walked in "Table for two?" "Yes please." The two got seated with a menu for drinks "Two cokes please." "Sure." The two looked at each other before their drinks came "Want to get food or in a bit?" "Now." The blonde turned back and got two plates before handing one to Harry. The two got their food, bumping hips with a giggle.

 They moved to sit down, "I got an email while I was leaving home to get here." "Draco, what is it?" "They've offered me a job." "Where?" "Don't get mad but in Wales." "That's your hometown, I can't be mad at that, did you take it?" "I couldn't." The blonde swallowed his food before going on "I couldn't take it as I have to think about my family and you, I have to think about us, Harry, and what if I end up meeting someone else, that's what I'm worried about." Harry took his hand, lacing their fingers together "Don't think about that, okay?" "Okay. I might stay in London to be closer to my family, if you get what I mean." "I get what you mean." The two finished eating as Harry paid for it. The two walked out together with Draco in front. Harry took his phone out of his pocket, taking a picture of Draco who turned around with a smile, walking over to him, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

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