- Talking -
~~~~~~ change of perspectiveIt was late at nigth. In one of the low tiers cities a girl dressed up so you can't see her face was figthing a Man and Women. She was clearly bleeding. But she didn't gave up. The only thougth that keept her standing was the fact that she had people to save.
In the same time a boy with blond hair and blue eyes was angrly walking in her derection. What he didn't know is that she was there figthing. The only reason he was here in a low tier city, insted of his own warm home was because a king from another school asked to meet him. It was far from his school so he had to ride by train and then take a buss. What he didn't expect was that the king won't show up and that his buss will be late and in the result he will not make it to his train. And that's the reason why insted of sitting in a train he needs to walk home and in a low tier city because this was the fastest way. The only lucky thing about the situation is that the bus rode the longer part of the way back to his home.
Ugh! I didn't expect that he wont show up. And that I'll be late to the train. Okay calm down don't let your emotions control you. I'll be back home any minute now.
He continued to walk until he heard something like explosion.
What was that?
He wondered. Before he realize it he allready was going in the way of the loud sound. When he got to the place he saw a wommen. She was bleeding and had realy bad wounds. He looked around and saw another women and a man in the back. The woman didn't look hurt at all. The only thing that told Arlo that she was propebly healed by the man in the back was thorn up clothes and some blood stains.
Should I help her. She lookes pretty beet up. But this isn't my business. When she started figthing she should have predict that if she looses she won't make it out alive. And I won't too.
Even though he was thinking that his legs moved on their own. While thinking that this is a realy bad idea he put up a barier around the girl protecting her from another attack.
Damn it!
Lisa was taking too much damage. She knew about it. She tried to go for the healer first but it didn't work out because of his partner. Then she tried to trap the women in her ice and when she was bussy tryimg to get out attack the man. This didn't work out either. She even tried to block the healer sigth by puting him in an ice cube. But because of ability amplifiers the male didn't need to see his target to heal it. She didn't have a chance. She tried everythig. And she was too tried to make a run for it and come back later in full strength with a better plan. The only choice she had was to figth as long as she can and hope that the effects of the drug will run out before her energy dose.
After not so long exchange of attacks she was hit by one of her oponents explosion which she didn't manage to avoid. She stumbled back. The enemy took a chance and stroke a powerful attack. The hero in that moment was ready to die.
Well I guess that this is the end. Goodbye everyone it was nice meeting you.
Just when she was about to get hit a strong barrier appeared around her. The woman was throwen back with her arms bleeding strongly.
Huh? What? What happend? What is that? It couldn't be one of the towns people. Their all around level 2 and with the ability amplifier she is propebly above 5. A person who made this most be around 6. But what is a god tier doing here.
She looked around her to find that person. Her eyes stoped on a boy around her age. His eyes were glowing and his hand was pointed in her way. When she looked at him she feelt herself blush. Before the thoughts of his handsome face could get to her she looked back at her enemies. The boy walked up to her and getting through the barrier he stood besides her.
- The woman can create explosions in every part of her body. She can control how big there are but I don't think she can control theres power. The man in the back has a healing ability. I think that he can heal someone by touching them it lasts for about 10 minuts. The time it takes to heal someone depends on how serious is the injury and how far the target is. That's all informations I've been able to grather durning our figth.
The boy just nod.
- Can you trap the women while I take care of the men pleas?
Another nod. She didn't realy mind it. She knew that his propebly trying to focus on the battle before him. She couldn't blame him for that she did that most of the time herself.
Just as she said before she went for the healer while he took care of the other one. Even though she had many injuries she still was fast enough to catch him before he run away. She hit him in the face with fist strong enough to make him pass out. When she turned around she saw that the boy that safed her had the women trapped without a way out. She quickly run twords them. She sneek up behind her and while running she signaled her safer to put the barrier down. It was a few seconds before the women also fell on the ground unconscious. Lisa quickly crafted a couple of handcuffs and a rope with ice and tied them together. She serched the couple and found 4 bottles of amplifiers.
She wrote a note that said:
"Thoes two were the ones that terrorized your town. If anyone saw me pleas don't tell anybody. I hope you can live in peace know.
- Free Bird ;)"Then she took the boys hand and run in some alley.
- I owe you one. I'm Free Bird. I know stupid name. It has a personal meaning.
- No it's fine. Are you okay? You're bleeding a lot.
- Now that you say that I feel kinda dizzy
While saying that she leand on the wall and begin to fall.

The One and Only || Arlo x oc ||
Fanfiction!!!ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE!!! Lisa is a little above avrige teenage girl. She is pretty powerful so she is a queen in her school. The only problem is that she hates this whole hierarch thing because she thinks that everybody is equal. But...