- I... I love you...
She looked at him waiting for a response.
- I love you too...
- You do?!
- I do.
- If you say you're it's a joke I'll cry.
- It's not.
He gentely kissed her. She was in shock. He ended the kiss but she pulled him in for another one. And this beautiful make out sesion was ruind by Seraphina knocking on the door.
- It's Sera. Let me in.
- You know Seraphina?
- I should be asking that. I'll go get the door you go to the bathroom you have some lipstick on you.
- Sure.
- Oh and what were we doing?
- Making out...?
- No like if Sera asks.
- Oh then I don't know. Talking about school stuff maby. You know royals. You know Seraphina she won't be interested in this.
- Okay now go. And lets pretend like you just went to the bathroom and don't know she's here.
- I'm going I'm going
Lisa opened the door to let Sera in and they went to the salon.
- So why did you come?
- I wanted to spend some time with you. What I can't?
- No no. Of course you can. I was just curious.
- So do you want to watch a movie?
- Yeah sure.
- Wait is someone in the bathroom? I think I heard something.
- Well actually...
- Okay I'm back. Seraphina?
- Arlo?
- You know eachother?
- Yeah she's the ace remember?
- Oh right.
- Wait Arlo what are you doing here?
- We were taking about-
- If you start explaining you will make her die out of boredom. We were talking about some royals stuff.
- Uhm... Sure.
She eyed them suspiciously.
- So what about that movie? Still want to watch?
- Yeah and I'll get going.
- Sure. Bye Arlo. I'll text you later about it.
- Okay.
- Bye Arlo.
- Bye Sera.
After that the girls had a girls night. It was now late at night. Lisa lend her friend a pyjama and told her to change in the bathroom. Sera wrote a message on the group chat saying that she got news about Lisa and Arlo and they need to meet up. In the mean time Lisa opened her phone to text Arlo.
(Okay so if I do something like this
Lisa: ...
She wrote "..." But if i do something like this
Lisa: ...
That means that she's writing. You know the three dots that apear when someone is writing a message to you for example on Messenger)Lisa: Hi. Lets meet up tomarrow and talk. I sugest your apartment so noone interput us. And I could stay the night. Sorry it's so late.
Lisa: Goodnight.Add it or not? Ugh. Okay lets add it
Lisa: I love you.
Arlo: My appartment is good. Lets meet up around 6pm. I'll make us some dinner.
Arlo: Sleep well.
Arlo: ...I guess he didn't respond.
Arlo: I love you too.
Lisa blushed. She still couldn't get used to them saying I love you to eachother. She wanted to tell Sera or Arisa or even both about it. But on the other side she wanted to talk with Arlo about it first. And she wasn't even sure if she wanted to go official so quickly. But she decided to just go to sleep and think about it tomarrow.

The One and Only || Arlo x oc ||
Fanfiction!!!ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE!!! Lisa is a little above avrige teenage girl. She is pretty powerful so she is a queen in her school. The only problem is that she hates this whole hierarch thing because she thinks that everybody is equal. But...