Okay so I don't know about you but in my country we have summer break rigth now so I thougth why not make a special. So here it is. This is not related to the plot. Also Lisa knows everyone (by everyone I mean John Blyke Isen Cecile she already knows Remi and Sera). Also In the next week I'll post two chapters seince I don't realy count this one like an actual one. And one more info. When they will talke like there will be many peple talking I will do something like - ... - Lisa so you know who is who.
The summer break finaly come. Arlo and Lisa were planing vacations for everyone. They talked to then already and decided to go to the beatch. The grup let them organize everything because they were the best at this kind of things.
They booked four rooms for two people each. The rooms were quite big so they could always hang out in one of the rooms all together so that won't be a problem. They also rented a driver so they could get there without a problem.
When the time has come they meet up and waited for the driver.
- Hiii! - Remi
- Hello everybody. - Lisa
- Sooo are you excited for the weekend? - Blyke
- Not realy. - John
- Oh come on. Don't ruin the fun even before we get there. - Arlo
- His rigth John. I'm sure you will have fun. - Sera
- Yea! She's rigth! After all I will be there! It can't be boring! - Isen
- Shut up. You'll propebly do something dumb. - Cecile
- Why are you so meannn! - Isen
- I hate to interupt but think our ride is here. - Lisa
Everyone got in the car. Leaving their luggage in the trunk. They had a fun ride full of conversations and sometimes even singing. After their arrived they unpacked and decided that today they will just spend the day in hotel getting to know what atractions they had there. Partly because they were to tierd to do anything else. As for the rooms I one of them was Sera and Lisa in the seckend one was Remi and Cecile then Isen and Blyke witch lead to Arlo and John.
The first one to finish unpacking was Arlo amd Lisa so they had a walk around the hotel. They found that there was a garden that had a lake in in. There was also a jacuzzi and a pool. They walked around the garden a little bit and decided to gather everyone and go for a diner and then to go the jacuzzi to relax.
That was their firs day. The next day they decided it's time to go to the beach. Arlo and Lisa stayed on the blanket while the rest went swimming. It didn't bother them realy because Lisa didn't realy like swimming and Arlo simply didn't want to.
- Finaly I can rest in peace.
- Yeah. It's nice to finaly rest.
- Everything I need is rigth here. I got cold drinks, some shadow, soft sand. And of course you.
- I couldn't agree more.
They continued talking and laughing together just like they always did. Studenly they heard crying.
- You hear that or is it me going crazy?
- No I hear it to. It's like someone is crying.
- Let's go check it out.
They followed the sound and found a little girl. They looked at each other and decided to help the girl who was propebly lost. Lisa knelt besides her. And they begin asking questions.
- Hi there little one. Are you hurt somewhere?
- Nah...
- That's good. Are you lost then?
- Uh hum... I can't find mommy and daddy...
- Can you tell us when was the last time you saw them was?
- At the icecream shop.
- Do you know which direction it is in?
The girl pointed her finger on the side oposit of ther friends. They decided that Arlo would call Isen. He insisted on taking his phone to the water telling them something about how its waterproof and how he wasn't going to swim and that he absolutly needed it because he needs to have photographic prof of something dumb someone will definitely do. Arlo told him that they left for a little and that someone shoud look at their stuff. In the same time Lisa took the girl in her arms and begin to walk telling her to tell her if she see her parents and trying to distract her from crying. Soon after Arlo joined them and took the girl.
After about 10 minut walk they saw the Icecream shop the girl told them about. They decided to wait there and wait to see if her parents won't show up there again. They turned out to be rigth because while there were eating icecrem they bought to cheer up the girl they saw a pair of adoults running twords them.
- Luise there you are!
- I was sooo woried. Don"t worry your mommy like that.
- Mommy daddy!!
- Are you okay?
- Yes. Big bro and big sis helped me.
- Oh! Thank you very mutch for helping our dougther.
- No problem.
- She's rigth we're happy we could help.
The rest of the day they spend on the beatch. In the evening Sera and Lisa had enough of Arlo and John complaining about their room together so they decided that Lisa will take Johns place and go to their room. When she got ther she put all of her stuff away and layed down next to Arlo.
He was sitting on his phone doing something. Lisa could see that whatever he was doing it wasn't something he enjoyed. He made a face as if a herd of speeding koalas just took his icecream. She figured that the only rigth thing to do is to take his phone.
- Stop stressing on vacations. Or when we come back a thousand of Karens and Chads will haunt your nightmares. It's a curse.
- Don't be ridiculous and give my phone back.
- Come get it your self then.
And she start running she run out of their room and decided to run to the garden. Arlo was after her. She run around the garden when she come across the lake and an idea come to her mind.
What if I froze the lake?! He can't keep balance on ice. And maby he will relax a little while foucusing on something else.
She coverd the lake with ice and started to slide on it in circles. Arlo followed her but couldn't keep his balance. After a while he got the hang of it and now Lisa was running and Arlo was chasing her.
- Come back here!
- No!
She turned her head his way and stick out her tongue. She got a little tierd so she slowed down. Arlo used the ocasion and catched up to her. He pind her dow to the ice and took his phone away.
- Hah!
- Nooooo. It's not fair.
He smiled when he helped her up only to rise his eyebrow at her next question.
- Soooo... Did it work?
- Did what work?
- Well you seemed kind of sad and angry so I thougth I would cheer you up a little.
He looked at her a little shocked. He didn't expect anyone to notice. He looked at her she had the brigthest smile he ever saw. He couldn't help but smile. He pulled her in a hug. At first she didn't know what happend but then she huged him back. He snuggled into her neck. He then gently whispered.
- Thank you.
- Hey! Stop making out in the garden and go to sleep! We're going to the amusement park tomorrow!
They looked up and saw Blyke shougthing at them from his window. They laughed and went back. The rest of the weekend went great. They had lots of fun and spend a lot of time together. Lisa thougth that was her favorite vacations for as long as she remembers.

The One and Only || Arlo x oc ||
Fanfiction!!!ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE!!! Lisa is a little above avrige teenage girl. She is pretty powerful so she is a queen in her school. The only problem is that she hates this whole hierarch thing because she thinks that everybody is equal. But...